Yesterday, I realize I have a long way to go when it comes to my fitness. Whatever I had accomplished last year, ALL GONE!!! back to the drawing board and all over again!!! WOOHOO!!!
Okie, let me just update on the crazy month of March I have, the event was a success but honestly its a very very painful event. Just glad that its over and am not even going to mention anything about it (its that bad!!!) haha. But through that experience, I realized the team work and support I have around me. It was good to feel that but of course give me the standards to the "real working world".
Anyway, I am loving cycling, every bit of it... especially when I have my bike, all the traveling around in my 2 wheels have bring me to places I would have never have done personally. I am looking forward to challenge Desaru once again! Just waiting for someone to plan it! =p
Anyway, I will share picture (or you can see them in my FB) =)