Got home like an hour ago, took a good warm shower before coming online, haha refreshed and really to start of the day, which basically have nothing in plan at the moment... hehez... maybe dropping by town to get stuff and maybe some photos developed. Wanted to get down yesterday but went to check out Alvin's Muay Thai Class instead. Its some cool stuff man... make me so want to start lor... but guess i won't until after wisdom tooth extraction i guess... which is about 2 weeks away, haiz get it done and over with... hopefully will still stay smart, haha already cannot get any dumber anyway so nothing to lose... heez...
Ok, back to the trip, day 3, must be thinking i would slp in as it was a long night from phuket right? WRONG, haha i still got up at 7 in the morning, did my gym regime before showering and had breakfast, by 10 we gathered as we dock Langkawi, and my parents have booked a tour. Really wanted to stay on board thou, as the sun was superb for a good tan... but tagged along since its already paid for. Cannot really stand the tour guide for this trip thou, kept repeating the words Langkawi, even my mum got worried we will get nightmare of the place that night... haha
Anyway, first stop, Eagle Park, that is how Langkawi got its name apparently, "Lang" which means bird, in this case the eagle, and "Kawi" is marble, the colour of which the eagles. And according to the guide, once pple see picture of this eagle, they will know that you've been to Langkawi, so here it is...

And here are some of the scenic view around...

Other then that was some shopping around those duty free shops, which as usual i didn't get anything, mainly the reason is there is nothing much to buy and yah parents not around when there is... no paitence... haha but nvm lah, since its pretty much their trip, i tagged along so no complains... heez... Its was captain's night so we had to dress better for this evenings dinner. here is a family pic of us at our dining area.
Oh oh and some pics of sunset, breath taking man...