Today, went for a little outing with my section today, pretty much a birthday celebration for Jasmine and Adeline, as their birthday is around the corner... then caught the movie, "Over the Hedge" not bad, got a good laugh over it... heez.. saw zhi xun and gf also... haha... Anyway, got myself a Queen CD... very nice... starting to like it alot coz many of the songs have very nice lyrics.
After that got to borders for some Fish and Co. honestly, didn't really enjoyed the food there, other then the oysters. Got the Grilled Seasoned Fish, which is super salty, and the service sucks, from the moment we stepped in, we waited for a table, then waited for utensils, waited for water (which i requested from then for at least 3 times) waited for sauce, and even waited for the bill... haiz... poor poor service...
By then, it was time to call it a day... enjoyable day overall... haha maybe won't happen for awhile as everyone is busy with things, especially me, as i am busy preparing for SAF day and the brunei trip... nevertheless, it will be much remembered...