This must be one of the most tiring sunday i have in ages... but a very good one indeed... one that is well spent...
Was procrastinating on going for dragonboat this morning, as i have been having all those weird dreams that kept my mind awake all night... but finally managed to drag my body off the bed, took a shower and head down to Kallang. Reached there at about 915am, Mina and this another guy... can't really recall his name, but anyway, they were the only one there... Naturally, that worries me abit as training should start at 930am and there was no crowd... anyway it dragged till about 945 when about a total of about 10 was there, including Yong, our coach... so we just went off, pretty sure there wasn't going to be people coming for the morning session. Did abit of short running as warm up, and when we reach our circuit area, we go through what we call the "SAS, Aussie Special Force" training regime, basically we complete each station with a certain number of reps, and after the entire regime, we rest for a min, we start a new set but with each station reduced 2 reps... haha sounds easy? there is like 8 stations man, done one after the other with no breaks in between... was really pumping it out man... after 5 rounds of that, we could either walk or slow jog back, and not wanting to waste my effort i slow jog, but ended with a little sprint with a fellow member, just for the fun of it... after that we went out for a paddle, with quite a warm up before that... Everything was against us today, the scorching hot weather, the choppy waters due to events happening at the indoor stadium, so training was extra tough, and me not having enough water with me, made training HELL... after we return to shore, i was like half dead, with blisters on my hands, coz i was switching paddles during training and i guess that was cause by the friction. Anyway, took a shower and met dennis in town, and i must say, he is forever the same, made appointment with me @ 130pm, but showed up at about 2 pm... haha had sakea sushi where i bumped into my campmates Eric and gang... haha didn't know they are so happpening, even meet up over weekends... Dennes was kind enough to buy me a copy of Vincent Ng's training guide, and it is even signatured... haha thx man... felt kinda bad that out of the blue i recieve something, so i treat him to lunch instead...
After which, we just went walking window shopping and dennes gets stuff for his fren's birthday... hehez, shop til about 7 plus when i decide i can walk no futher, and we decide to head home... Got home, warm up so of that leftover pasta i had yesterday and eat... yah that pretty much ends my day, tired tired tired, legs, arms everywhere... tml gym session will be slightly more relax i guess... heez... Anyway till tml, its Ryan signing off!!!