Decided to give myself a little break to blog before going into work again. Share picture again =P Shall start with the more happening stuff first. Hmm... first up, the concert, yes I was back in the music scene once again, helping out my old school NYP with a concert at the Victoria Concert Hall. Always a pleasure to perform in that hall. Special thanks to all those that came to support me!!! and of course the rest of the band lah. Haha picture dedication to all those that turn up...
Ex band members (L to R) : Xiu Xiu, Ah Tom, May, Zhongxi and Bryan... OMG all woodwinds... =P

My buddy Dennes !!!

May and me

Jac and me, must take at every concert =P haha

Bunch of glamorous people that dressed for the occasion (L to R): Clarrisa, Esther, Mary, Dylan, Alex, Choon Kai

Head of their clan: Clarrisa and myself.

A couple of my colleagues from Track and Field, Matthew and Iskandar, than

Elisse, Fren from Kim Seng...

My fren Amelia, came despite not feeling well and all... really appreciate it.

Kelvin Chua from my SAF Band days...

Last but certainly not the least, Cindy...
Guess this should sum up my concert. Its a pretty good concert, thou a couple go glitch here and there (which is common) am glad I did my part and play ok during the concert. Its great seeing so much friends around, certainly brings back plenty of memories. HAHA looking forward to the next. if there is going to be one.... for now...its back to work!!!
Have a great week ahead everyone!!!