Today have been packed for me, so glad I have everything planned out, and everything went according to plan. Let me slowly walk through today's programme.
Morning, got up early, knowing that rain always hits in the afternoon, thus decide to get up a little earlier to get a tan at the beach. Got there by 10 am, the sun was alright, not very strong, and would say pretty cloudy too. Hanged around till about 1230pm, before heading back to mainland. Took the tram today (free for islander) pretty nice, and got to my destination pretty quickly. After which, grabbed a quick lunch and head to SGH or rather HSA for a blood donation. Which took about an hour or so, including all the screening before that. Then, headed down town to get my hair trimmed. Was thinking of leaving my hair long till pehaps after CNY, and see what happens from there, but everyday i looked into the mirror when i get home, the urge of getting it trimmed increase. So i did today, abit regret now, coz its pretty short, but at least my mum feels its nice, says it makes me look young.... haha, what is she talking about? I AM YOUNG MUM!!! haha but I guess I just need time to get used to it. Anyway, after that, was thinking of hanging around town and wait till its time for muay thai as I have things to collect from Alvin. But the rain spoiled my plans man. The rain drops were huge man, and when it poured, it blurred out wistma (looking from tangs, no kidding, it was that heavy) So, getting a little drench, I found my way into Taka, roam around there for awhile, and when the rain simmered down, I headed to Cine. I reckon the rain wasn't gonna stop for awhile, so I got myself a movie ticket and watch a movie instead. Watched "Apocalypto" by Mel Gibson, and I tell you, its brillant man, wasn't sure what the show was about before that, but once I watched it, I must say its pretty good. After the rain, the rain stopped (thank god) , made my way to get skipping ropes from Alvin (who was kind enough to give them to me) and impart a few things I can do on my own while recuperating. Headed home after that, and pretty much sums up my day... Neat huh? heez...
Hmm, something just come up to me, from yesterday's news, califonia experiencing some of the coldest weather yet, and with the recent floods and unusual events happening all over the world, I can help but to think that one day, scene from the movie "Day After Tommorrow" might just come through. Thou the scale might not be as drastic, but so many events from this past years have shown vast reaction from mother nature. Tsunamis, huge earthquakes, floods, typoons... is the world really coming to an end? Can we do something about it? I guess its really time we take our environment into consideration. Its abit late, but better late than never I suppose.
Tml, hmm, haven't got a distinct plan on my day's plan yet. But I forsee alot of phone calls to make. Supposedly will make a trip down to town (again) to collect my glasses. and that pretty much sums up my day. hehe.. shall see how things goes from there... movie again? or more shopping? haha or just home to rot? hahah pretty sad for a friday night, but hey, its great for a guy like me... hehe... alright den... nothing much left liao. enjoy ur weekend ahead. Cheers!