So since I am having a mental block for that... tot I post a blog entry instead... hehe... This entry marks my 500th entry!!! *applause* been doing so over this year... finally hit the great five. hee.
Lets start with the week headlines... monday, while walking for lunch... found a bird being stuck in the drain, must have falling in, kind of a baby state coz it still cannot fly, and since there is the factory near my area that has been pouring out cemented water, the drain is flooded with muddy clay like substance, I could help seeing it struggling so i just grab a plastic bag and 'rescue it' the bird looks muddily wet, and not knowing what to do (like duh... i was heading for lunch, cannot possibly bring it along and treat it kopi can't i) I left it under a tree using a few branch to cover it. When I return, its still there, which pretty much confirm my assumption that it is a baby. So I called the SPCA, and they say they will come and collect it. In a series of miscommunication, they did not come and only came the next day, so we place it in a cage in the office.
Here is the sad part, just hours before the SPCA arise, someone life the bird on the floor (which was initally on a table, so the papaya in it attracted ants, and since the bird is along in it... they started to attack it too... I was devastated to see the state the bird was in.... its horrifying... its BIG ASS ANTS MAN i quickly drench the bird with water getting some of the ants out. When i past the bird to the man from the SPCA, I felt so sorry for the little fellow, its seems like my rescue for it turn out to be his final journey as i know there is no way they will keep it alive at the state its bring brought in. The bird was not died and looked at me one last time before the SPCA took it away... thinking about it now still brings back horrible memories...
Thats the headline, now down to entertainment news, There is this play that is currently going on at the Victoria Theatre call the Dark Knuts. I managed to catch its opening night thanks to Sarah for her invite. Its a good show, will not talk about the content of the show (dun wan to spoil the fun) but all i can say is that its a gigantic spoof act. So its good for movie lover, play lover, and tv lover. Recommended to watch (NOTE: more local humor)
Next, just heard on the radio today that Ip Man is such a success that they are planning a sequel to the show... For those that have no idea what movie I am refering to... this is it
Its pretty much the bibliography of this kung fu legend and an art that was pretty much lost and apparently the teacher of kung fu legend Bruce Lee, Legend of a legend lah... hehe so anyway, this movie was about his young age... the sequel will likely be about the time he has with bruce lee... and speculation thus far the person they have in mind to play that role is.........>AARON KWOK!!!!
I mean give me a break already which part of aaron look like bruce lee.... I am just going to let the picture do the talking... you be the judge...

i tink the bad guy from kung fu hustle has a closer looking feature man... HAHAH *roll eye*