Anyway, must be wondering what am i doing at home and not in camp at this time right... well the reason is simple... i am on OFF tml... as we had parade and rehearsal the day before... so we are having a well deserving rest, heez... have plenty installed for tml... as for now i shall blog on what happened over the weekend...
Last saturday, had a wonderful time with my section of the nyp band. They went for a cycle at East Coast Park, i only met them after that as it wasn't convienent for me to cycle that day... shall not comment too much on how i found them (or more like how they found me), pretty embarrassing now thinking back about it... heez... Afterwhich, we head of too the beach and took quite a number of pics some nice, but some are just plain funny... lolx... After that we proceeded to marina south for dinner. STEAMBOAT!!! everyone enjoyed themselve, cooking grilling and occasionally getting scalded by spilling butter from the grill.. haha... After that we left the place smelling like bbq, to the nearby bowling alley for a friendly game of bowling before calling it a day... was really fun and i have to admit, they are really not bad in bowling man... heez... "zen ren bu lou xiang" (means a skilled person never show off his skill in chinese)...
Haa thing i shall not write so much... i shall let the photos do the talking...

Couple of attempt to take a shot where everywhere jumps... heez there is plenty more from where these came from...

Us have a great time with the stream boat hahaa eveyone is pretty much fill to the brim already
Nothing like a game of bowling after a filling dinner....