Today marks the end of my 2nd week internship for my course. I realise how long I have not been blogging, that is because things has been so rush for my past sem, I don't even have time to come online, what more visit and update my blog. But here I am, after 2 weeks of mad rush... finally some time alone, to update how things are going.
My last sem ended in a rush... honestly, got to be the most tedious sem I had thus far. Wonder if the modules are dry or just because my first sem doing all modules. (Kudos to those that have survive 4 modules all these while man!!!) After that sem, it was a quick 5 days break before commencing my internship. Honestly, everything has zipped past so fast that I hardly have time to think back on what has already happened.
Anyway, for those that donno, I am working for an event firm called MicroVic as an event coordinator. Some might wonder why I am doing this when I am suppose to be gaining experience from hotels instead. My thinking was hotels deals with events too... so its ok to learn from the events end about hotels too... yes i don't get much exposure on hotel operation, but I sure learn plenty about banquet during my events... so not so bad lah.
I have learn alot from just 2 weeks and am looking forward to the rest of my internship, as I pretty much have an idea on things that will be going for months to come. Working on holiday eve is inevitable (New Years Eve) but am suprise there is nothing for Christmas just yet. One things I still need getting used to is the working hour... till 7 and its so off town that when I leave office, it would be 8 already. But waking up early, I feel really good, just bring me back to my army daze i guess.
Apart from that, I will try to blog as often as I can... meanwhile, take good care everyone, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS in advance!!!