Happy Boxing day everyone..!!! hope the rain didn't dampen off any festive spirits!!! =P Phew, just came back from a friend's place, coz I borrowed her bike (as in bicycle...not vroom vroom bike), and YES I MADE IT BACK ALIVE!~!~!~ muahahaha
Need a bike to start training for OCBC in march, but before that will try to squeeze in a long cycle with the gang (hopefully no work on that weekend) in Jan. Hee... its been a long time since i cycle, and I must say... the feeling is awesome!!! thou I dun have long hair that flies against the wind, but the feeling is still shiok nevertheless. +p
Christmas day was a good boy... stayed home and cleared my clothings.... some are going to salvation army since i am not wearing them no more. while packing yesterday, then I realised that alot of my tees are actually from running events, and boy do i have many of them... NEXT YEAR WILL HAVE MORE!~!~!~
Thats all for today... OH YAH... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERINE!~!~!~