It happened again... after 2 years, many times have it almost happened, 2 days ago... its finally did... My shoulder dislocated again....
Thursday, wet wet day, have a bad hunch that something will go wrong, rainy weather always make me tink that way. But bordem bought over me, and headed out for muay thai training. Got there to the carpark (spot that we train when it rains). Did skipping and push up to warm up, felt weirdly humid in that spot. Everything was fine, and even got to learn something new, sparring, literally fighting an opponent, but not with full force. At first was with legs, I was fortunate to pair with Gary, a friend that is very friendly in all aspect. But an unexpected collision of knees left him sitting out since he had knee problem. Then we were told to put on gloves, thats when the fun really start, as i was paired with Alvin, the coach. He have many time asked if I am interested to fight in a competition, but as i wasn't sure, i have not gave him an answer. But that night, he seemed all fired up to see the amount of pain i can endure. Thou his punches to the face is slightly lighter, but those 2 the ribs and all seem pretty powerful, many a times knocking the air out of my lungs. Me on the other end, really didn't dare fought back, didn't even hit with full force. and there is definately a level of control i exercise. Many a time he asked me to hit him and i would tapped him. We "fought" for so long, so much so, everyone else are already sitting there watching us fight. As the intensity rises so did the strenght of the punches. Thats when the accident happen, was giving him a right hook, which i guess i extended to far, worse was i missed, so my shoulder flung and I immediately could feel my shoulder out of the socket. Thats when I told Alvin my hand dropped out... Initally Alvin tried putting it back, but it didn't work, so the rest just help me out of my gloves, hand wraps and stuff. Alvin recommended his fren, a chinese sinseh, to help me relocate my hand, but from past experience, i know that won't work, so I ask Gary, who was so kind, to drive me to TTS instead. The procedure was faster den I thought. By 11 I am all relocated and was back home. Did inform my mum, who was worried sick when i broke the news to her, Sorry Mum. She recommended me to do an operation, but i didn't wan as the recovery is gonna take a long time. Still considering thou.
Yesterday, watched "The Holiday" with Sherine at suntec. Is not too bad a show, not that I am gay or wat, but Judd Law is nice looking lah, the smile those eyes... OMG... haha, after that walked about, shopped abit before heading for band. Actually saw a pair of jeans at Guess going at 50 bucks, dame tempting, but didn't get in the end, Sherine said the pocket was weird... haha besides, i have too many pairs of jeans, i can always wait for the next sale... when i got money... hehez... Got dinner in school before heading to band prac, lao shi actually came down (which he usually doesn't, but i guess it too close to the concert) and the practise was tiring, but glad we went thro the repertiore.
Today, headed down to town to get my hair trimmed, didn't do a major cut, coz i told the person I am leaving it long, so she just trimmed bits here and there to make the "growing process" a smoother one. hehez. the was off to Topman, was determine to spend the voucher that my fren Azre got for me. Spent on a belt and a cap instead. Got the cap for Teohui, since its his birthday lah... hehe HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE!!! hehez... after that head to band prac for more practise. Hmm, really not sure if we are ready, I mean regulars like me and andy, i would say we can more or less handle the pieces, but not sure about the rest. To be honest, there is alot of people that I think shouldn't play for the concern given the amount of practise they have attended, but I guess the decision is not up to me... besides I dun wan to be the "bad guy". So enough said. After band, I walked out of school ALONE, haha haven't done it in a long time, usuallywill be accompanied by many friends, so its pretty strange feeling... hehez, didn't have anywhere to go, so came home and loaded myself with carbs instead. Know i shouldn't be doing so, but i can't help it... was dame hungry. And with my arm, i cannot exercise, JIAT LAT MAN!!!
Tml, New years eve... really haven't got any plans, looking forward to go out, dun really wan to spend it at home, best if i can get myself dead drunk again... haha coz its will be the last time i drink before the coming year and i start working out again... So any plans call me k... hahaha Have a great new year in advance pple!!! LOVE RYAN
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Movie Marathon!!!
Just got back from work an hour ago... dame tired can... haha was at work like 8 today, coz i couldn't make it yesterday resulting in having to work extra hard today... haha but it was worth it, since I went for a Movie Marathon yesterday!!! haha
Was up at 830 yesterday, was suppose to meet at 10 but was delayed due to the rain, so ended up meeting at 1130. Was on the dot, so waited awhile before Adeline showed up, then, met Wai Leng, outside the station. Apparently there was something wrong with her Starhub line and no call can get to her (SINGTEL RULZ!!! heez) . Anyway we got to cine, and bought our tix, started the day off with Curse of the Golden Flower. After we got the tix, we when to get lunch while waiting for Sherine, who was late as she got locked in her house AGAIN!!! hahaha... Anyway she arrived just in time for the movie. Would say its not too bad a movie, love the colours in the entire show, but well some inconsiderate people behind us have to narrate the story to her friend, so at some point of time in the movie, we got "live commentary" from behind (yes, it was THAT LOUD). whats worse, she mistaken the movie as a ktv lounge, haha after the movie, she sang along to the jay chow song, with her "beautiful" vocal *pukez... haha. We carried on with "Charlotte's Web", indeed a kid show, entertaining, but not really worth the money i would say, its because I read the book in my secondary school literture that I wanted to watch the movie. The geese looks dame FAKE can!!! but the storyline is still pretty accurate (based on memories from sec 2, i tink...hehez) . But as I said, its a kid show, so as expected, its like watching a horror film, anytime, an unexpected scream will get u jumping off ur chair. We ended the evening session with "Night in the Museum". Its not too bad, rather funny, thou the storyline is pretty shallow, but well if you just watch it as a comedy, it can sure tickle ur funny bone.
After all the movie, we went to Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe for dinner, had pasta with pork chop for dinner, not too bad, guess i was feeling a little hungry. Then we were off to hereen to walk walk. Was being the devil in shopping again.. haha tried to psycho Wai Leng to get an adidas bag, haha it was pretty nice i must say. Then we went up to 4 skin to look for peili, haha becoming a routine that whenever we go herren, we are bound to visit peili. hehe... So happen that Sherine met her cousin fren, which in one look is GAY!!! haha and he dragged sherine one side, occasionally glancing at me... After we left, as expected, that guy was asking if I am Gay... HALO! Good dress sense doesn't make GAY CAN!!! haiz... but since I got it so often, I kinda got immued to it already. Then we headed off to Doby Ghaut where we took a train home... OMG and guess how "lucky" we are to meet a "fren" in the train station, we walked on after saying hi... Heez... fun day!
Today, got up 7ish, reached work at 8, thought there will be tonnes of work waiting for me. But hu knows. there wasn't, as a matter of fact, by mid day i was done with all the outstanding work, and was back to my brainless data entries... haha, knocked off on the dot man.. Tml and friday not working, but really looking forward to tml's Muay thai, missed yesterday coz of the marathon, ready to vent some steam on the pads man... haha.... might be meeting Sherine for The Holiday, a movie we say to watch since god knows when...haha Yay Movie again!! haha... Alright i guess thats all i hafta update den, gonna do some skipping downstairs... been doing minimum exercise and maximum eating lately, the killer combo to get me "back into shape" shape of my yester years that is... haha okok den Cheers!!!
Was up at 830 yesterday, was suppose to meet at 10 but was delayed due to the rain, so ended up meeting at 1130. Was on the dot, so waited awhile before Adeline showed up, then, met Wai Leng, outside the station. Apparently there was something wrong with her Starhub line and no call can get to her (SINGTEL RULZ!!! heez) . Anyway we got to cine, and bought our tix, started the day off with Curse of the Golden Flower. After we got the tix, we when to get lunch while waiting for Sherine, who was late as she got locked in her house AGAIN!!! hahaha... Anyway she arrived just in time for the movie. Would say its not too bad a movie, love the colours in the entire show, but well some inconsiderate people behind us have to narrate the story to her friend, so at some point of time in the movie, we got "live commentary" from behind (yes, it was THAT LOUD). whats worse, she mistaken the movie as a ktv lounge, haha after the movie, she sang along to the jay chow song, with her "beautiful" vocal *pukez... haha. We carried on with "Charlotte's Web", indeed a kid show, entertaining, but not really worth the money i would say, its because I read the book in my secondary school literture that I wanted to watch the movie. The geese looks dame FAKE can!!! but the storyline is still pretty accurate (based on memories from sec 2, i tink...hehez) . But as I said, its a kid show, so as expected, its like watching a horror film, anytime, an unexpected scream will get u jumping off ur chair. We ended the evening session with "Night in the Museum". Its not too bad, rather funny, thou the storyline is pretty shallow, but well if you just watch it as a comedy, it can sure tickle ur funny bone.
After all the movie, we went to Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe for dinner, had pasta with pork chop for dinner, not too bad, guess i was feeling a little hungry. Then we were off to hereen to walk walk. Was being the devil in shopping again.. haha tried to psycho Wai Leng to get an adidas bag, haha it was pretty nice i must say. Then we went up to 4 skin to look for peili, haha becoming a routine that whenever we go herren, we are bound to visit peili. hehe... So happen that Sherine met her cousin fren, which in one look is GAY!!! haha and he dragged sherine one side, occasionally glancing at me... After we left, as expected, that guy was asking if I am Gay... HALO! Good dress sense doesn't make GAY CAN!!! haiz... but since I got it so often, I kinda got immued to it already. Then we headed off to Doby Ghaut where we took a train home... OMG and guess how "lucky" we are to meet a "fren" in the train station, we walked on after saying hi... Heez... fun day!
Today, got up 7ish, reached work at 8, thought there will be tonnes of work waiting for me. But hu knows. there wasn't, as a matter of fact, by mid day i was done with all the outstanding work, and was back to my brainless data entries... haha, knocked off on the dot man.. Tml and friday not working, but really looking forward to tml's Muay thai, missed yesterday coz of the marathon, ready to vent some steam on the pads man... haha.... might be meeting Sherine for The Holiday, a movie we say to watch since god knows when...haha Yay Movie again!! haha... Alright i guess thats all i hafta update den, gonna do some skipping downstairs... been doing minimum exercise and maximum eating lately, the killer combo to get me "back into shape" shape of my yester years that is... haha okok den Cheers!!!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas!!! merry???
Merry Christmas everyone!!! hope everyone had a great time opening pressies and pigging out on all the christmas feast and desserts. As for me, christmas have been somewhat different for me this year, there is not fancy parties to attend and no gathering from any friends, just a very warm xmas eve spent at home with my parents, a bottle of red wine, and "Love Actually" on tv.
Just realised my blogging frequency is turning into a weekly thing, less frequent compared to last time. So sorry, its not that I have been busy, but just LAZY!!! haha. Anyway, let me just update on the happenings for my weekend. Friday, was suppose to met up with Sherine for movie, but as she got last min plans, it was cancelled, so i went to shop for my cousin & niece pressies instead. Afterwhich was gym at YCK before proceeding to band prac. The crowd was relatively small, and flute only had me and andy, but generally we sounded not too bad i must say.
Saturday, band practise was horrible, not musically, but technically, as lao shi played challenging song one after the other, and not once, but many times. Was totally drained after the session was over. Went for Sherine's party, the crowd was pretty good I must say, and thank god it didn't rain coz its open air. Help took quite a number of pictures (just being myself, camera whore) and since i didn't want to go home that early, i decided to stay and see what sherine and her gang of frens plans were after the party. We ended up singing Ktv in town. I feel so odd, as i was the only "outsider" from all her secondary school mates. but boy can they sing, all singing like semi pro. hehez... left the place at 4am, and as some left, the rest (including me) sat at long john sliver (cine) and chit chat while we waited for the first train/bus/and no more mid night charges. There is when I got to know more about her frens, and their secondary school life, etc, pretty nice bunch of pple i must say. Poor dylan, must have been dame tired, coz he was dozing off as the rest of us chat the night away. about 6, we got a cab home, initally sherine was suppose to rest over at peili's place before heading home, but ended up having breakfast with me, haha and we talk till about 8ish before heading home.
Yesterday, after i got home, showered, rest for about 1 1/2 hrs before going out again, this time to meet herbert for a little gym session. then we headed over to his place before heading to vivo to walk around. The place was damn packed man, people everywhere. We were there till about 9 plus before calling it a night and head home.
Home, opened a bottle of wine, and shared with my parents. My dad was having a craving for it too. haha. Watched love actually, was not too bad and before i realised, Christmas was here. Honestly, haven't spent christmas alone for a very long while, and there was alot of mixed feeling I got. Feelings that are very difficult to explain, so I got myself more to drink before calling it a night. Always works for me.... heez..
Today, slacked the day away, oh right not totally, went out for awhile and did some gadget hunting... haha was at herbert's place yesterday and saw their new tv... and was pretty affordable, so went to the same place and got myself one set too! haha! FREAKING BROKE now... but happy coz i am finally gonna get a home theater system. Whats best is its gonna be in my room!!! all of it... muhahaha here is a sample of how my lastest gadget is gonna look like, but not exactly the same model lah... hehez...
Nice right? haha, however its so popular that its out of stock, thus i have to wait till January 15 where new stock will come and they will deliver it to my place. haha so excited. As for the freebies, i would need to find time to drop by bencoolen to collect. Wee!!! now i really need a job to cover it liao.. OMG money money money!!! thats all I have for now... ciaoz...
Just realised my blogging frequency is turning into a weekly thing, less frequent compared to last time. So sorry, its not that I have been busy, but just LAZY!!! haha. Anyway, let me just update on the happenings for my weekend. Friday, was suppose to met up with Sherine for movie, but as she got last min plans, it was cancelled, so i went to shop for my cousin & niece pressies instead. Afterwhich was gym at YCK before proceeding to band prac. The crowd was relatively small, and flute only had me and andy, but generally we sounded not too bad i must say.
Saturday, band practise was horrible, not musically, but technically, as lao shi played challenging song one after the other, and not once, but many times. Was totally drained after the session was over. Went for Sherine's party, the crowd was pretty good I must say, and thank god it didn't rain coz its open air. Help took quite a number of pictures (just being myself, camera whore) and since i didn't want to go home that early, i decided to stay and see what sherine and her gang of frens plans were after the party. We ended up singing Ktv in town. I feel so odd, as i was the only "outsider" from all her secondary school mates. but boy can they sing, all singing like semi pro. hehez... left the place at 4am, and as some left, the rest (including me) sat at long john sliver (cine) and chit chat while we waited for the first train/bus/and no more mid night charges. There is when I got to know more about her frens, and their secondary school life, etc, pretty nice bunch of pple i must say. Poor dylan, must have been dame tired, coz he was dozing off as the rest of us chat the night away. about 6, we got a cab home, initally sherine was suppose to rest over at peili's place before heading home, but ended up having breakfast with me, haha and we talk till about 8ish before heading home.
Yesterday, after i got home, showered, rest for about 1 1/2 hrs before going out again, this time to meet herbert for a little gym session. then we headed over to his place before heading to vivo to walk around. The place was damn packed man, people everywhere. We were there till about 9 plus before calling it a night and head home.
Home, opened a bottle of wine, and shared with my parents. My dad was having a craving for it too. haha. Watched love actually, was not too bad and before i realised, Christmas was here. Honestly, haven't spent christmas alone for a very long while, and there was alot of mixed feeling I got. Feelings that are very difficult to explain, so I got myself more to drink before calling it a night. Always works for me.... heez..
Today, slacked the day away, oh right not totally, went out for awhile and did some gadget hunting... haha was at herbert's place yesterday and saw their new tv... and was pretty affordable, so went to the same place and got myself one set too! haha! FREAKING BROKE now... but happy coz i am finally gonna get a home theater system. Whats best is its gonna be in my room!!! all of it... muhahaha here is a sample of how my lastest gadget is gonna look like, but not exactly the same model lah... hehez...

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