Starting 1st of Feb, I started a new job in retail line, something that I haven't done in years, initally its was pretty tough, having onli 45 mins break on an 11 hours day, standing most of the time, but as time passes, and with you sort of get the hang of things, things worked out fine. Its pretty interesting to be one of the 'more matured' workers there. Well considering the average age group of the staffs there is about 18, I couldn't help its but to feel OLD there. But hey, age have never been a problem for me, older simply means more responsibilities annd keeping an eye out on the young ones, coz hey, I have been through the exact stage they are in now, right? hehez.
Then there is my dad's condition, something that I am not so keen on remembering but well its really a wake up call, telling me never to take things for granted. and when better to happened den on the eve of CNY, but hey, now that its over, just hope that this year of the golden pig will be better. After spending CNY eve and CNY day in the hospital, got myself into the hospital on the second day of CNY too. Shoulder popped again, so I calmly got my stuff, flagged a cab and got it fixed. 4th time it happen. sucks big time. Yesterday, the very first time i did CNY visiting this year, to Sasa's place. Then was back to my place for a little steamboat, first time in a long time that my place have been so crowded. Tml and wed, final 2 days of work and the month of feb is over. Short month, but looking at the number of things that have happen, its crazy.
For those who are still searching for my workplace in town... haha I am afraid there is only 2 more days left to look for me. Let me limit the scope again, its HEREEN, haha if you still cannot find me, its fated. One more clue, its not NUM, haha, guess many expects me to be there... but nah... hehe Alright then nothing much to say already, 3 more days to my op, feeling nothing at the moment, but guess it will only creep in on wed night. Wish me luck.
Was browsing the net for nice tattoos, and this particular design caught my eye... tink its pretty cool, but just couldn't tink of the place to have it on... not that i am getting one, but if i were to get it... just not sure where it will be..... here it is...

Eye of Horus Tattoos - a continuing indication of the fascination with all things Egypt. The Eye of Horus is the symbol for Horus, the Falcon Sky God. The Eye was a symbol that signified royal power. The ancients believed this symbol of indestructibility would assist in rebirth, due to their beliefs about the soul. The more recent tradition of freemasonry adopted the symbol and as such it has survived to this day, and appears as the Eye of Providence on the recto of the Great Seal of the United States. The Eye of Horus (flanked by Nekhbet and Wadjet) was found under the 12th layer of bandages on Tutankhamun's mummy.