A week have past since I last been here. Plenty of things to update but donno where to begin. Well lets start from saturday then.
Saturday, got up pretty early to go Pulau Ubin for a cycles with my flute mates. Its been a long time since I last visited the place, and was kinda looking forward to it. The changi pier changed a whole lot, thou i still prefered the old one, the new one just doesn't bring back anymore memories. As we set foot on Pulau Ubin, the place haven't change abit. We were still welcomed by bicycle shop owners eagerly promoting their bikes to us. We finally settled on a stall and rented bikes for the entire day. I had to share a bike with my Wai Leng as she doesn't know how to ride a bike. Honestly was kinda reluctant initially, but things kinda became alright, and I did enjoyed sharing a bike with her, its my first experience. hehe and its a good one, amazing things tag team can do man... hehez... We all cycled till we were drenched to the skin, den constantly hydrate ourselve with litres of water. Haha... but we pratically covered the entire island, taking pictures along the way. Its was alot of good fun, for that fact that its really something out of the norm. After a day of cycling, we had a hearty meal at pulau ubin, thou it wasn't fantastic, its wasn't too bad neither. Was thinking of ending the night late with some ktv, but unfortunately the branch at Tampines have been closed down, and there isn't any near by. Declined Sherine's offer for majong at her place, as I didn't feel comfortable going to someone elses place stinking from a day of activites. So, after that, we all decide to call it an early night, and headed home...
Saturday, got up pretty early to go Pulau Ubin for a cycles with my flute mates. Its been a long time since I last visited the place, and was kinda looking forward to it. The changi pier changed a whole lot, thou i still prefered the old one, the new one just doesn't bring back anymore memories. As we set foot on Pulau Ubin, the place haven't change abit. We were still welcomed by bicycle shop owners eagerly promoting their bikes to us. We finally settled on a stall and rented bikes for the entire day. I had to share a bike with my Wai Leng as she doesn't know how to ride a bike. Honestly was kinda reluctant initially, but things kinda became alright, and I did enjoyed sharing a bike with her, its my first experience. hehe and its a good one, amazing things tag team can do man... hehez... We all cycled till we were drenched to the skin, den constantly hydrate ourselve with litres of water. Haha... but we pratically covered the entire island, taking pictures along the way. Its was alot of good fun, for that fact that its really something out of the norm. After a day of cycling, we had a hearty meal at pulau ubin, thou it wasn't fantastic, its wasn't too bad neither. Was thinking of ending the night late with some ktv, but unfortunately the branch at Tampines have been closed down, and there isn't any near by. Declined Sherine's offer for majong at her place, as I didn't feel comfortable going to someone elses place stinking from a day of activites. So, after that, we all decide to call it an early night, and headed home...
Sunday, worried about the uneven tan i would get from Ubin, I headed down to the beach for a little tan. The beach was packed, and thou the sun was not very strong, due to the clouds, I still managed to get a pretty even out tan. After which, walked around vivocity, updated myself on the "fashion" scene before heading home.
My week was pretty much all band, been going for practise on Monday and Wednesday, both days are rehearsal for this little musical the school is putting up to celebrate its 15 years anniversary. I must say its pretty fun lah. Tuesday was out shopping with a couple of my friends, Azre and Max. Must say its a pretty enjoyable day, thou we are stuck in the rain half the time. we still managed to cover a few spots where there are nice things to look around at. We end up at starbucks by Fullerton Point, and really had a very good conversation. Found out more about Max, and well, and pretty much gossip more. After that we called it a night lah...
Today, must be the only time I felt alive again after such a long while, as I went for training with Angelina and the dragonboat team. Its so fun, finally able to run again, and pushing myself to complete all the circuit training. Thou I couldn't do some of the stuff the guys did, like pushups and chinups, but i didn't feel leftout as I replaced them with other exercises. Was totally drenched with rainwater and pespiration by the time we got back to wayne's place. Had a little wash up before heading home. Feeling tired now, but really satisfied.
Guess thats all I hafta say man... shall end with some photos from my ubin trip then...enjoy