Recap on the past couple of days. Monday, caught the movie "Dejavu", with 2 lovely ladies, Sherine and Trisa after work, since we all work pretty nearby, that pretty much explains the trio lah. hehe... Anyway, the show was pretty now bad I must say, storyline is pretty straightforward, pretty much what the title says. shall not get into too much of a detail just in case you have not watch and is intending to catch it. Worth watch. Looking forward to many good movies to come!!! Tuesday, settle some billing problem then went for muay thai. The class was all male that day, felt pretty much like a boxing training camp. Muay thai is getting more and more interesting, at least I am enjoying every session of it, can't wait to go thailand and get my own set of gears!!! After that, was suppose to go home and finish up my packing, but met up with Yi Xin and Angie instead. Had my dinner, chat for awhile before calling it a night, Jayson was suppose to join us, but wasn't able to make it in the last min due to work, poor guy man, really slogging like a bull now. Got home, and did packing till my eyes can bearly stay open, den was off to bed.
Today, worked again, finish quite abit of it, should be abit to complete by next week ba, then what? holiday? haha i wish thou, but the thought of no income scares me. shall take a step at a time lah. Friday will be a fun filled day. My plan for the day i suppose will be blood donation first, was thinking of getting it done over the weekend, but then again, since I am already heading to town and its along the way, might as well get it done and over with. Then I suppose I will meet up with Sherine and Waileng first, coz the rest will be only meeting up in the evening. After that there is Trisa birthday, more drinking! OMG, not good at all man. I have been putting on weight, and its only mid of December, and with all the festive season coming up, damn! will definately go back to square 1 lah!!! *sob* pray hard and training hard whenever i can....
Oh yah, the post to the concert is ready, to all those that haven't got my email, probably because I don't, here it is.

Date: 7th January 2007, Sunday
Venue: Victoria Concert Hall
Time : 5pm
Price: SGD 10 (free seating)
Please come and suppose k! its my first concert after a year or more not touching flute. Some must be wondering, I just got out of SAF band so what am I talking about right. Well, the truth is, I have been playing the bass drum for my final year in army, so my chances of playing the flute was ZERO for the year... that explains why i am so keen on this concert. My flute revivial concert man... hehez come support k...
Alright, thats all for me for now... shall update more about the weekend to come... when I got the time that is. For now, Ciaoz!!!
Venue: Victoria Concert Hall
Time : 5pm
Price: SGD 10 (free seating)
Please come and suppose k! its my first concert after a year or more not touching flute. Some must be wondering, I just got out of SAF band so what am I talking about right. Well, the truth is, I have been playing the bass drum for my final year in army, so my chances of playing the flute was ZERO for the year... that explains why i am so keen on this concert. My flute revivial concert man... hehez come support k...
Alright, thats all for me for now... shall update more about the weekend to come... when I got the time that is. For now, Ciaoz!!!