Friday, January 14, 2005

Yet another week have passed

Yipee!! its a friday yet again.... though it signals one week closer to the exams but i am still happy as its the weekends... heez...

Today, in fact this week have been pretty sian, had a really 'dry' week... Anyway today was quite ok i have to say, had an aural test this morning... didn't do very well as its was really tough... guess my hearing is indeed weakening... need to buck up on that liao le... as for the paper which i did a couple of days ago... there is still room for improvements... so i shall work for it... Other than that we had nothing for the afternoon, staff was in a 'weekend mood' thus we ended up spending the afternoon at the soccer field instead... heez... was fun but i tink i pulled a muscle on my right ankle.... shouldn't be much of a problem considering i still manage to walk back... juz need to make sure it doesn't swell thats all... Anyway, should be going for a little drink down town later on... tml have training... yipee finally can go, after my injury, dragonboat is one sport i so look forward to man... heez... Thats all for the day, gotta go prepare for later le.... cya...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Sports day in Nee Soon camp

Its been a pretty fun day today i must say, surely if not the best time i had since i have entered the SAF Band. Its been fun but really shagged... This is why...

Morning, we had drill session, Staff Terry had a little talk with us to find out about our life there in camp and also tell us what is going to happen in the coming weeks before graduation. I am pretty fine with my drill, all left for me is theroy, aural and practical... After that went for a break before commencing on a little IP (individual practise), since the entire day was dedicated to sports, therefore i did not bring my flute, thus spending that time listening to some band songs and looking up some theroy...

After lunch is where the fun really starts as it was time for sports and games... there was a little change of plans, was suppose to go swimming but Staff insisted that we have a little game of captains ball (which was later changed to soccer) as a group getting everyone involved... its was really fun... and when its starts to drizzle a little, everyone paused game for awhile to get a drink and wait for the drizzle to subside (which took about or less than 5 mins). As the rest goes for 2nd half, My swimming gang (namely junwei, nic, andy, azmi and yeow mun) and i went for a dip in the pool to relax... went for a couple of laps and wash up to go back by 430...

After dinner (when i got home) i rest awhile and went for a run in the neighbourhood, was a short run, but was super shagged when i got home... guess its due to the many activities today... now u understand its a fun but shagged day.... anyway this is all i have... wanted to blog about band yesterday evening but guess today's entry is long enough... shall not say anything about it lah... its was ok in short (heez) alright then, off to watch my show le... ciaoz

Quote of the day: Dun compare yourself to the best the others can do but to the best that you can do