Been pretty busy with things over these 2 weeks, shall juz mention the main events if not i will be blabbering till kingdom comes... okok first, SAF Band annual Dinner and Dance held at Chevos, some club at jurong east, sort of a gathering for everyone to have fun and also a bonding session and sort of sum up to 2004 and whats ahead for 2005, was really fun as we laugh and enjoyed the night away... MC for the night was felicia chin, she is pretty and rather cute i must say, had a picture taken with her... cool huh... heez... anyway after that night was busy all the way, nypso had a band camp so i decided to join them as it also gave me an oppotunity to practise my exam pieces to wee hours of the morning without worries of waking anyone up. It was rather fun i would say, saw the seriousiness and dedication of the flute section for once... as they had sectional till late at night to master some of the more unfamiliar pieces like Disney on Parade (well done pple, i am proud!!!) left on sunday morning, was tinking of staying for late practise before breaking from camp, but as i haven't touch anything on my theroy that is to be tested on monday, i left reluctantly, sorry about that guys... Anyway, last monday and tuesday was the days that puts our 2 months of training to test as we had theroy, aural, and practical test on these 2 days respectively... After that, there was a huge sigh of relief as it was finally over... the following few days were spent preparing for our graduation (which is this coming monday), and also collection of our uniforms like our number 1, 2 and 3 rather excited about it... heez... that was about it about my past week (*summarised)
Yesterday, went to Jazz@southbridge with some of my band frens (nic, junwei and louis), sort of like a celebration for our gradutaion as well as juz chilling out after a long week, the place is fantastic, nice music (from live band) and atmosphere... (hmm... birthday celebration there perhaps... heez.. will see). Was really relaxed and really enjoyed ourselves... thx Nic for that suggestion... As for today, went for dragonboat training with my daughter, there was loads of people and alot of new paddlers... was kinda difficult for me as i was wedge between a couple of them and the one behind me had diffculity catching up so she kept hitting my ore, whereas the one infront of me, guessing was rather excited, kept treating me to water from the river... heez... but overall its still a fruitful training day... hope my daughter had fun...
Anyway, wayne was telling me there will be training tml for the serious paddler, don't think i can make it as i haven't got any clothing for CNY this year... guess this is the only year have done my shopping so late... think i am going to spent the entire day tommorrw shopping... see hu i can ask along... As for tonight, haven't recieve any news or plans so guess i am going to spend my evening at home i reckon...
Well thats all i have to say i guess... have a fruitful CNY ahead everyone... hope the new year will be a better one... And one last thing HAPPY BIRTHDAY XUE TING, who is turning 21 today... heez... may u be pretty and happy always...!!! MUACK
here is a picture of me with felicia, got couple look???... heez...