#1 A Volkswagen beetle
I am not looking at the new type, but the really vintage type... Have a chance to ride in it once and am absolutely in love with the sound the engine makes, the whole feeling of it... Its a classic...
#2 Shibanu Dog (will let the pic speak for itself lah...)
Been watching a couple of shows featuring them and feel they are really adorable and well tempered, here are the links to the show if anyone is interested.
Best of all, suitable in HDB because of its size!!! (hahaha...)
So these are just a couple of things I can look forward to in the future... hehez... was watching Janice Dickinson Modelling agency yesterday, featuring many hot hot hot models, alot of hard work is actually required to become models, especially the guys, when they first got on and when they are already made a huge difference in terms of their body... Here is a random pic i took online to just show you what i mean... The whole idea about looking good in clothes, many would say as long you are confident you look good, its only half right, coz am sure physically its important too.

Something about yesterday show gave me a wake up call, the entire idea of putting myself through that 16 weeks of training suddenly came back to me again, its to stay healthy, bring up my fitness, and most importantly look good.
I know it seems a little early to be giving post journey thoughts, as I am still in my final week of training, which is pretty much screwed due too all the happening and unforgiving time schedules. (excuses excuses...hee...) But I have seen changes till my week 9 when i last post, since then results have been pretty minimal as my diet got into another roller coaster ride, and my regime was amended to a stage I feel ain't pushing myself hard enough. Nevertheless, this journey is fruitful as it builds me a rather steady foundation to carve the body I want.
Nothing in life comes free, even things within you, like your health and looking good, I dare say that staying fit is the cheapest things among any other things in life to achieve, its a matter of want or not rather than can or not. Was reading today urban, this guy have taliored close and all, but he didn't really look very smart coz he is not very fit, its not discriminating here, the worse is he blames it on work causing no time to workout. Exercise don't mean hitting the gym, pump iron till you are sore or getting yourself breathless from the treadmill. Everyone has their defination of that word and its the consience effort to perform them... that will see results. One more important time, its not all exercise, its important to control your mouth too, which i have not been successful thus far. Got this tip from a show actually, a fat man ask the guru how can he lose weight, and a skinny man ask the guru how can he gain weight, and he came out with a simple solution that solves both problem; which is "Control your mouth". How smart is that... hehez...
I know I have blabber alot about fitness this past weeks, and people are already getting bored with my blog on exercise, but hey, if it benefits me, it will benefits you guys too... trust me.. will post my pic next week, for the final time, Result ain't shocking (as i would want) but will continue to work hard. hehez... The feeling of acheivement is beyond words, you have to experience to know. hehez.
Lastly a fashion quote, ever wonder why clothes always seems better on someone else, apart from confidence, compliment what you wear too, its not all one sided you know... hehe... JIA YOU!!!
I know it seems a little early to be giving post journey thoughts, as I am still in my final week of training, which is pretty much screwed due too all the happening and unforgiving time schedules. (excuses excuses...hee...) But I have seen changes till my week 9 when i last post, since then results have been pretty minimal as my diet got into another roller coaster ride, and my regime was amended to a stage I feel ain't pushing myself hard enough. Nevertheless, this journey is fruitful as it builds me a rather steady foundation to carve the body I want.
Nothing in life comes free, even things within you, like your health and looking good, I dare say that staying fit is the cheapest things among any other things in life to achieve, its a matter of want or not rather than can or not. Was reading today urban, this guy have taliored close and all, but he didn't really look very smart coz he is not very fit, its not discriminating here, the worse is he blames it on work causing no time to workout. Exercise don't mean hitting the gym, pump iron till you are sore or getting yourself breathless from the treadmill. Everyone has their defination of that word and its the consience effort to perform them... that will see results. One more important time, its not all exercise, its important to control your mouth too, which i have not been successful thus far. Got this tip from a show actually, a fat man ask the guru how can he lose weight, and a skinny man ask the guru how can he gain weight, and he came out with a simple solution that solves both problem; which is "Control your mouth". How smart is that... hehez...
I know I have blabber alot about fitness this past weeks, and people are already getting bored with my blog on exercise, but hey, if it benefits me, it will benefits you guys too... trust me.. will post my pic next week, for the final time, Result ain't shocking (as i would want) but will continue to work hard. hehez... The feeling of acheivement is beyond words, you have to experience to know. hehez.
Lastly a fashion quote, ever wonder why clothes always seems better on someone else, apart from confidence, compliment what you wear too, its not all one sided you know... hehe... JIA YOU!!!