Ladies and Gentlemen, I am finally 21!!! an offical adult... Its was a special Thursday this year for me... December 1st was not only the day i turn 21, its also the day i got promoted to corperal rank *applause* However, the only flaws in this joyful day is that all these wonderful moments is 'celebrated' in camp!!! haha not sure i am to be happy or sad...
As its a 21 birthday, everyone will be expecting me to me on off and have a crazy party somewhere right... well, for me, all i got for present is from the army actually... A Big OCS Commissioning Parade Rehearsal in the early morning of my special day... had to get up at 6am as we fall in at 645am. Rehearsal was till 1230, and was thinking maybe could be compensate the rest of my day by taking off... But, NO!!! they have to have the Advance Musician Course Graduation Ceremony in the afternoon, which shattered my dreams of taking any off in the afternoon.. the lucky thing was that i haven make any plans to meet my frens, if not it would be disasterous... Since after that there wasn't much left in that special day, so decide to just spend the rest of the day in absolute bordem and right in the comfort of my own bunk... Sadness? I have to agree, but what to do, that life for guys in Singapore i guess... most guys have to celebrate their 21st in army i guess... heez...
Right now for my weekends, maybe i should mention something about last weekend... its was fantastic, as i spent the night over at Sentosa with my wonderful bunch of frens and also had the Dragonboat race down at Boat Quay. Wonder how i split myself into 2 places... heez.. well its been pretty packed for me... but i managed to pull it off...
Details will be left to my photos i guess... but overall its was superb last weekend as we clinched Gold in the Expats race... a major trophy, the one the team was training for... As for my Sentosa gang... it was just as fun... took lots of photos, have lots of laughter and also screams (courtesy of Sherine.. heez..) Generally... it was great fun...
As for today, went for a light paddle, can really feel the tension is not the same as before the race... haha, in fact there was no tension at all, everyone was just enjoy a day at the beach and just gentle paddle... after that is back home to shower and yup... pretty much conclude my sat, pretty pathetic i would say... but what to do when you have to work tml... its pretty hard to paln coz there will always be a curfew restricting your fun... i hate it...argh... lolx..
Finally, I will like to thank all those that remembered my birthday... really appreciate it... have decided to hold a super belated birthday party (since its a 21st... so i guess i am not going to let it pass uncelebrated) but details of it is still in process, venue will most likely be at my place... keep you guys inform yah... but thx alot... Love You all
PS... photos on last week will be posted once i have my camera back.. heez.. so be patient and wait k... cheers