Picture with some of my buddies in schools and of course their partners. Serious glad to see old friends and they haven't change abit. Nice
Next... hmm... I suppose it will be my run... had to compensate for my lack of exercise these past few weeks (which I will get to shortly) so I did 2XU run. Overall one word comment: Inexperienced. organizers can improve on many aspect of the race. Overall set up I must say is not very soundly done. Major minus point: 1) Transportation, arrived 5 mins after flag off due to late bus. 2) Bad deployment of volunteers, saw many spots with hardly any manpower but so many green shirt volunteer at the end point doing NOTHING! 3) Water point, should not serve ice cold drink coz hard to swallow especially when u are already fighting to catch your breath. Not all is lost, the route was fine and rather challenging with the slopes and all. start and end point was good too... very nicely set up. Bag deposit was ok too, very prepared. Overall its a rather great run. Managed to clock 1:01:37.63 for a 12km run. =) Hoping to hit 1hr so there is still some room for improvement.

Next... hmm... I suppose it will be my run... had to compensate for my lack of exercise these past few weeks (which I will get to shortly) so I did 2XU run. Overall one word comment: Inexperienced. organizers can improve on many aspect of the race. Overall set up I must say is not very soundly done. Major minus point: 1) Transportation, arrived 5 mins after flag off due to late bus. 2) Bad deployment of volunteers, saw many spots with hardly any manpower but so many green shirt volunteer at the end point doing NOTHING! 3) Water point, should not serve ice cold drink coz hard to swallow especially when u are already fighting to catch your breath. Not all is lost, the route was fine and rather challenging with the slopes and all. start and end point was good too... very nicely set up. Bag deposit was ok too, very prepared. Overall its a rather great run. Managed to clock 1:01:37.63 for a 12km run. =) Hoping to hit 1hr so there is still some room for improvement.

A picture from the run, thx to a kind soul that took for me after the race. Anyway kind warning to those that have intention to go to the beach. Beware of Jellyfish, I believe there is a change in climate, thus they are swarming near shore. Unfortunately, I got stung. Nothing serious but serious pain.
Now for my work, have been busy with National Track and Field these past few weeks and am done with the Secondary level one, now am going ahead with the Primary school level. There is a vast difference in terms of standard and management style. My boss tried to tell me and I tried to get mentally prepared for it but it still dun work. Felt like demoted from a 1st world country to a 3rd world country (*simply and analogy, no pun intended) Feeling the pressure from the EAs, Everyone please bear with it awhile and try to look at the enjoyable sides of things.
Through this event, I also managed to make many new friends and also meet many interesting people. Think from the picture you will get what I mean. so less talk more pics.... =P
Now for my work, have been busy with National Track and Field these past few weeks and am done with the Secondary level one, now am going ahead with the Primary school level. There is a vast difference in terms of standard and management style. My boss tried to tell me and I tried to get mentally prepared for it but it still dun work. Felt like demoted from a 1st world country to a 3rd world country (*simply and analogy, no pun intended) Feeling the pressure from the EAs, Everyone please bear with it awhile and try to look at the enjoyable sides of things.
Through this event, I also managed to make many new friends and also meet many interesting people. Think from the picture you will get what I mean. so less talk more pics.... =P