Its been a long long long long long long long long long long while since i last updated... had to spend sometime clearing of the 'web' before coming in here (get it... world wide web... yah?? nvm). Well... cannot really recall exactly what happened in details so will just recap the key events that have happened in these few weeks, in a random order (whatever that have come to my mind first).
Hmm...first of all, Congraz to the Auschamp for clinching both Gold and Sliver spot for the Expat race these year in the Regatta 2007!!! U guys rox and totally kicked ass out there. Was so raring to race only to find out that it clashes with my exams... but u guys do well without me, nevertheless, as arnie (mayor of califonia) will say: "I WILL BE BACK" hahaha.
Exam for semester one is done and over with. Just glad that its over, thou not too sure that i will do as well. But still glad that its over. Just started off my new sem yesterday, yes, just one week break, which was over even before I can blink my eye for this case. But the week was well spent on earning some quick bucks and spending quality resting time. All the way for this sem then, 1 down 5 to go!!!
Last week was working for an event called the "Morgan Stanley Summit", all the big shots were there, CEOs, COOs, all the rich pple... haha but cannot be bothered coz working hours have been crazy. dog tired after the few days, but got to know more people and made more friends, both local and international. so its was not too bad afterall.
Last friday marks laoshi's (aka Mr. Luk) last performance as he stepped down as conductor and offically retires from the music scene, it was an emotional sight as buckets of tears were pouring from many people's eyes, mine included. The only reason why I stayed on was for him, he is definately a great teacher and not only though us how to interpret music, he also teaches us alot about life. Its a pity to be losing him, but well, I guess everyone deserve a break at one point of time. He was a mentor, a fren, and even almost like a grand dad to me. Lao shi, thank you...
Enough on that before i get all emotional again.... Today have got to be the most unlucky day of this year yet... Got my friend to come look at my computer today, was tinking must be problem with my C: as I was using it halfway before it overloads and restarted itself yesterday. But today, was given the most shocking news ever.... MY HARDDISK CRASHED!!! and nothing can be recovered from within... my heart shattered thinking the amount of things I have inside, all my pictures, my songs, my memories... OMG.... the feeling is like when my ipod died but many times worse... What made matter worse was that thats not the only thing that need to be fixed, my wallet and watch is also spoil and need to be sent for repaired... $$$ can u please drop from the sky please!!!!! later going down to braun buffel to get my wallet check. before going down to muay thai to let off some steam and burn some calories.
Talking about steam, or anger rather, brought me to this topic. What's wrong with being a Free Lancer? I know alot of people out there have this misconception that free lancers have all the time in the world, equvialent to a bum, only that we are getting pay. I am telling you, that is not true, some free lancers (like myself) so happen to be more busy then ur regular 8-5 jobs, we work under more den one boss and sometime while u guys are already slping in ur comfortable bed, we are still working as our bosses is from the other side of the globe. The only advantage as freelancers is yes, we do have our freedom in time, however, that is also possible only with good time management. So please think twice before u tink of venting ur anger on free lancers next time. They are not as free as you think they are. Blame it on ur bad time management skills alright...
What inspired me to say that was just from a situation that was not suppose to be one in the first place... but well just need a place to vent it out. Anyway thats all I have for now, 2 weeks before stand chart... alot of work to do... and honestly i can say i am not ready, but just doing it nevertheless. Wish me good luck den.
Cheers peepz!!!