Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A little something before I turn in

Weather is pretty bad lately, super hot one moment and pouring dinosaurs the next moment. This causes many around me to start to fall since, and inevitably, Mr. Flu bug also came knocking on my door... so I am going to keep this sharing short and head to bed. This month and April zoomed past for me, what i dreaded at the beginning of the month, the uncertainties, the worries of hiccups and all, has finally come to an end, in this sigh of relief, there is a tinge of feeling that I will miss whatever that has happen the past month.

This month has been a pretty interesting one for me... many 12 - 16 hours work days, but yet neither the working hours nor the long traveling distance made me dread going to work. Yes I do have to admit as days gone by, the getting out of the bed part seem to be more and more challenging, however, it never once made me not look forward to they day ahead. I guess part of the reason would have to go with the wonderful people I get to work with these past month. Thanks to them, work is very enjoyable and also lighten. My most sincere gratitude to all that has been on this journey with me, thou its just been a month, I must say bonds have been built beyond my wildest dreams. Happy is the aim I plan to achieve, seeing smiles when people work, despite having to bear the hot sun, everyone working, not as worker, but as one big family, enduring together, supporting one another, this spirit is really heartwarming and I am glad to be leading this group of excellent people around me. As the chinese saying goes, there is no gather that last forever. I do sincerely hope everyone the best, and really do keep in contact in the many years ahead. More photos of my fun team!!!

There is more which I will capture on the final day 2 day from now... this is all for now!!! =P Good night and to all that is sick or fall sick, please take alot of water and Vit C. take care and speedy recovery!!!