Anyway, more about the week... well, pretty smooth going i would say, except the top people seems to get more garang (hardworking in army terms), *haha* very keen to get us fit i can see... doing pushups and make to run round for every mistake they made...but i believe this "garangness" will slowly subside... its a matter of time... Other then that, visited Mowbray camp yesterday and today for COG (change of guards) rehearsal, first of the new year and we are doing MAIN (meaning marching down orchard road) here is the details:
Starting location: The alley dividing Heeren & Hello Singtel (Party World)
Marching off timing: About 530 pm (dressing up about 5pm)
Destination of March: Istana
Really hope to see friends there... so we can take pictures... support is greatly appreciated... heez... if unsure of where the place is, just call me yah...
Hmm... oh yah.. about New Year Eve, heez... guess its time to share a few photos of that night too... have a rather enjoyable time i must say... here they are

Well thats, all ba, plenty more but too many to share liao.. heez... its was fun lah... seeing alot of first timers drunkards... (or get high) lolx... Anyway, tml going tanning AGAIN!!! muahahah tink i am addicted to sentosa liao... take care peeps and cya sunday!!!