Argh... am i really that jinx? just met up with cheryl yesterday and was talking about our personal experience with bad weather whenever we plan to go for a tan, and it happened today!!! It was bright and sunny when i woke up, so i decided to prove myself wrong by heeding down to the beach... everything was fine, so i stayed there for about an hour, when the weather starts to take a weird turn, wind was strong and the clouds starts to come in, blocking out the sun. Thats when i decide to call it a day (since i am not gonna get any tan anyway). Lucky for me to have made that decision coz if i have left one sec later, i would be stranded there as it started raining cats and dogs... Haiz, the weather is still on, hopefully it stretches till tonite so that we can all have a good night rest...
Anyway, enough on my unlucky episodes i guess, here is what happen on last sunday that made my weekend a real fun... was out with Shan and Angie, for a walk, movie and ended up settling the evening at Baden, a pub @ holland V the ladies frequent. As usual we were suppose to go for some tanning, but due to bad weather, plan change... but we had fun thou... heez... here are some pictures...
here is us in a cab on the way to baden

And these are the pretty ladies that i was out with that evening... and again, i was the only guy... =P. Oh yah Shan (3rd from left) is leaving town to study in Manchester soon, so its kind of a farewell gathering for her too...

Group photo, with a little cake, complimence from angie (the one in green)
And here is some random picture after that...