After noon, Central Banders and puppetters are all assembled... first rehearsal... heez... guess i let the pic do the talking...

The puppetters for the night... combine effort of some of our guys and people fromt the Music and Drama Company...

Us fooling around with the puppets backstage before show commence... signs of bordem... lolx....
After all that fooling around its down to real work when then performance commence... and after its all done, we had to help pack everything bring it back to camp and then unload them before calling it a day. by thhe time i got home, its 1 am... tiring and in my opinion, a total waste of my Saturday (haha) but its was no doubt a wonderful experience... at least i got to know so new pple... heez...
Sunday, got up early to go Sentosa with a couple of frens for a tan...
This was the weather when we got there... seems pretty nice day to have a tan right? WRONG... haha shortly after we have "try" to relaxed, its started drizzling... so we had no choice but to head to the nearest cafe for shelter and since we are there... get somethings to eat...

After all that fooling around its down to real work when then performance commence... and after its all done, we had to help pack everything bring it back to camp and then unload them before calling it a day. by thhe time i got home, its 1 am... tiring and in my opinion, a total waste of my Saturday (haha) but its was no doubt a wonderful experience... at least i got to know so new pple... heez...
Sunday, got up early to go Sentosa with a couple of frens for a tan...

Lucky for us, the drizzle was short, but the rest of the day remain cloudy so i didn't really get the tan then i wanted... (sadz) but well there is always next time i suppose... so other then lying in the "sunless" day, we took pics instead... heez... here is one of the many we took....
After leaving sentosa, went to town for a walk and dinner at marche (been a long while since i last step in there) before calling it a day... fun filled day and a very very VERY tiring weekend... heez... next weekend... Dragonboat race and more fun.... For now... OUT!!!