Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its it too late to apologise???

To all my dearest friends,

This blog entry is dedicated to all of you. I really have to say a very big Sorry, for all the outings I have missed so far. I kept complaining that we seldom meet up but in actual fact my life is so packed with school, assignments and all that I couldn't make time for anything else. I know all seems like an excuse I find to explain my absence, coz you managed time and not the other way round. But I guess I have been so tired rushing assignment, with work and all that I kinda schedule my day pretty much around this things, and honestly, time for myself is really during gym I guess. or my swim... And dun misunderstand, its not that I have time for sports and no time for frens... I have to squeeze them before work and class.

I will try to better handle my time so as to spend time with my friends... I am trying... really really hard... I seek your kind understanding...

Now I understand when some people say that 24 hours a day is not enough... yes indeed, but I honestly am not enjoying life now... this is not how life is to be spend... but for the better of my future life... have to tahan now... life is selfish, when u want something you have to sacrifices something else, you cannot have the best of all worlds, I am learning it the hard way...