It happened again... after 2 years, many times have it almost happened, 2 days ago... its finally did... My shoulder dislocated again....
Thursday, wet wet day, have a bad hunch that something will go wrong, rainy weather always make me tink that way. But bordem bought over me, and headed out for muay thai training. Got there to the carpark (spot that we train when it rains). Did skipping and push up to warm up, felt weirdly humid in that spot. Everything was fine, and even got to learn something new, sparring, literally fighting an opponent, but not with full force. At first was with legs, I was fortunate to pair with Gary, a friend that is very friendly in all aspect. But an unexpected collision of knees left him sitting out since he had knee problem. Then we were told to put on gloves, thats when the fun really start, as i was paired with Alvin, the coach. He have many time asked if I am interested to fight in a competition, but as i wasn't sure, i have not gave him an answer. But that night, he seemed all fired up to see the amount of pain i can endure. Thou his punches to the face is slightly lighter, but those 2 the ribs and all seem pretty powerful, many a times knocking the air out of my lungs. Me on the other end, really didn't dare fought back, didn't even hit with full force. and there is definately a level of control i exercise. Many a time he asked me to hit him and i would tapped him. We "fought" for so long, so much so, everyone else are already sitting there watching us fight. As the intensity rises so did the strenght of the punches. Thats when the accident happen, was giving him a right hook, which i guess i extended to far, worse was i missed, so my shoulder flung and I immediately could feel my shoulder out of the socket. Thats when I told Alvin my hand dropped out... Initally Alvin tried putting it back, but it didn't work, so the rest just help me out of my gloves, hand wraps and stuff. Alvin recommended his fren, a chinese sinseh, to help me relocate my hand, but from past experience, i know that won't work, so I ask Gary, who was so kind, to drive me to TTS instead. The procedure was faster den I thought. By 11 I am all relocated and was back home. Did inform my mum, who was worried sick when i broke the news to her, Sorry Mum. She recommended me to do an operation, but i didn't wan as the recovery is gonna take a long time. Still considering thou.
Yesterday, watched "The Holiday" with Sherine at suntec. Is not too bad a show, not that I am gay or wat, but Judd Law is nice looking lah, the smile those eyes... OMG... haha, after that walked about, shopped abit before heading for band. Actually saw a pair of jeans at Guess going at 50 bucks, dame tempting, but didn't get in the end, Sherine said the pocket was weird... haha besides, i have too many pairs of jeans, i can always wait for the next sale... when i got money... hehez... Got dinner in school before heading to band prac, lao shi actually came down (which he usually doesn't, but i guess it too close to the concert) and the practise was tiring, but glad we went thro the repertiore.
Today, headed down to town to get my hair trimmed, didn't do a major cut, coz i told the person I am leaving it long, so she just trimmed bits here and there to make the "growing process" a smoother one. hehez. the was off to Topman, was determine to spend the voucher that my fren Azre got for me. Spent on a belt and a cap instead. Got the cap for Teohui, since its his birthday lah... hehe HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE!!! hehez... after that head to band prac for more practise. Hmm, really not sure if we are ready, I mean regulars like me and andy, i would say we can more or less handle the pieces, but not sure about the rest. To be honest, there is alot of people that I think shouldn't play for the concern given the amount of practise they have attended, but I guess the decision is not up to me... besides I dun wan to be the "bad guy". So enough said. After band, I walked out of school ALONE, haha haven't done it in a long time, usuallywill be accompanied by many friends, so its pretty strange feeling... hehez, didn't have anywhere to go, so came home and loaded myself with carbs instead. Know i shouldn't be doing so, but i can't help it... was dame hungry. And with my arm, i cannot exercise, JIAT LAT MAN!!!
Tml, New years eve... really haven't got any plans, looking forward to go out, dun really wan to spend it at home, best if i can get myself dead drunk again... haha coz its will be the last time i drink before the coming year and i start working out again... So any plans call me k... hahaha Have a great new year in advance pple!!! LOVE RYAN
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Movie Marathon!!!
Just got back from work an hour ago... dame tired can... haha was at work like 8 today, coz i couldn't make it yesterday resulting in having to work extra hard today... haha but it was worth it, since I went for a Movie Marathon yesterday!!! haha
Was up at 830 yesterday, was suppose to meet at 10 but was delayed due to the rain, so ended up meeting at 1130. Was on the dot, so waited awhile before Adeline showed up, then, met Wai Leng, outside the station. Apparently there was something wrong with her Starhub line and no call can get to her (SINGTEL RULZ!!! heez) . Anyway we got to cine, and bought our tix, started the day off with Curse of the Golden Flower. After we got the tix, we when to get lunch while waiting for Sherine, who was late as she got locked in her house AGAIN!!! hahaha... Anyway she arrived just in time for the movie. Would say its not too bad a movie, love the colours in the entire show, but well some inconsiderate people behind us have to narrate the story to her friend, so at some point of time in the movie, we got "live commentary" from behind (yes, it was THAT LOUD). whats worse, she mistaken the movie as a ktv lounge, haha after the movie, she sang along to the jay chow song, with her "beautiful" vocal *pukez... haha. We carried on with "Charlotte's Web", indeed a kid show, entertaining, but not really worth the money i would say, its because I read the book in my secondary school literture that I wanted to watch the movie. The geese looks dame FAKE can!!! but the storyline is still pretty accurate (based on memories from sec 2, i tink...hehez) . But as I said, its a kid show, so as expected, its like watching a horror film, anytime, an unexpected scream will get u jumping off ur chair. We ended the evening session with "Night in the Museum". Its not too bad, rather funny, thou the storyline is pretty shallow, but well if you just watch it as a comedy, it can sure tickle ur funny bone.
After all the movie, we went to Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe for dinner, had pasta with pork chop for dinner, not too bad, guess i was feeling a little hungry. Then we were off to hereen to walk walk. Was being the devil in shopping again.. haha tried to psycho Wai Leng to get an adidas bag, haha it was pretty nice i must say. Then we went up to 4 skin to look for peili, haha becoming a routine that whenever we go herren, we are bound to visit peili. hehe... So happen that Sherine met her cousin fren, which in one look is GAY!!! haha and he dragged sherine one side, occasionally glancing at me... After we left, as expected, that guy was asking if I am Gay... HALO! Good dress sense doesn't make GAY CAN!!! haiz... but since I got it so often, I kinda got immued to it already. Then we headed off to Doby Ghaut where we took a train home... OMG and guess how "lucky" we are to meet a "fren" in the train station, we walked on after saying hi... Heez... fun day!
Today, got up 7ish, reached work at 8, thought there will be tonnes of work waiting for me. But hu knows. there wasn't, as a matter of fact, by mid day i was done with all the outstanding work, and was back to my brainless data entries... haha, knocked off on the dot man.. Tml and friday not working, but really looking forward to tml's Muay thai, missed yesterday coz of the marathon, ready to vent some steam on the pads man... haha.... might be meeting Sherine for The Holiday, a movie we say to watch since god knows when...haha Yay Movie again!! haha... Alright i guess thats all i hafta update den, gonna do some skipping downstairs... been doing minimum exercise and maximum eating lately, the killer combo to get me "back into shape" shape of my yester years that is... haha okok den Cheers!!!
Was up at 830 yesterday, was suppose to meet at 10 but was delayed due to the rain, so ended up meeting at 1130. Was on the dot, so waited awhile before Adeline showed up, then, met Wai Leng, outside the station. Apparently there was something wrong with her Starhub line and no call can get to her (SINGTEL RULZ!!! heez) . Anyway we got to cine, and bought our tix, started the day off with Curse of the Golden Flower. After we got the tix, we when to get lunch while waiting for Sherine, who was late as she got locked in her house AGAIN!!! hahaha... Anyway she arrived just in time for the movie. Would say its not too bad a movie, love the colours in the entire show, but well some inconsiderate people behind us have to narrate the story to her friend, so at some point of time in the movie, we got "live commentary" from behind (yes, it was THAT LOUD). whats worse, she mistaken the movie as a ktv lounge, haha after the movie, she sang along to the jay chow song, with her "beautiful" vocal *pukez... haha. We carried on with "Charlotte's Web", indeed a kid show, entertaining, but not really worth the money i would say, its because I read the book in my secondary school literture that I wanted to watch the movie. The geese looks dame FAKE can!!! but the storyline is still pretty accurate (based on memories from sec 2, i tink...hehez) . But as I said, its a kid show, so as expected, its like watching a horror film, anytime, an unexpected scream will get u jumping off ur chair. We ended the evening session with "Night in the Museum". Its not too bad, rather funny, thou the storyline is pretty shallow, but well if you just watch it as a comedy, it can sure tickle ur funny bone.
After all the movie, we went to Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe for dinner, had pasta with pork chop for dinner, not too bad, guess i was feeling a little hungry. Then we were off to hereen to walk walk. Was being the devil in shopping again.. haha tried to psycho Wai Leng to get an adidas bag, haha it was pretty nice i must say. Then we went up to 4 skin to look for peili, haha becoming a routine that whenever we go herren, we are bound to visit peili. hehe... So happen that Sherine met her cousin fren, which in one look is GAY!!! haha and he dragged sherine one side, occasionally glancing at me... After we left, as expected, that guy was asking if I am Gay... HALO! Good dress sense doesn't make GAY CAN!!! haiz... but since I got it so often, I kinda got immued to it already. Then we headed off to Doby Ghaut where we took a train home... OMG and guess how "lucky" we are to meet a "fren" in the train station, we walked on after saying hi... Heez... fun day!
Today, got up 7ish, reached work at 8, thought there will be tonnes of work waiting for me. But hu knows. there wasn't, as a matter of fact, by mid day i was done with all the outstanding work, and was back to my brainless data entries... haha, knocked off on the dot man.. Tml and friday not working, but really looking forward to tml's Muay thai, missed yesterday coz of the marathon, ready to vent some steam on the pads man... haha.... might be meeting Sherine for The Holiday, a movie we say to watch since god knows when...haha Yay Movie again!! haha... Alright i guess thats all i hafta update den, gonna do some skipping downstairs... been doing minimum exercise and maximum eating lately, the killer combo to get me "back into shape" shape of my yester years that is... haha okok den Cheers!!!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas!!! merry???
Merry Christmas everyone!!! hope everyone had a great time opening pressies and pigging out on all the christmas feast and desserts. As for me, christmas have been somewhat different for me this year, there is not fancy parties to attend and no gathering from any friends, just a very warm xmas eve spent at home with my parents, a bottle of red wine, and "Love Actually" on tv.
Just realised my blogging frequency is turning into a weekly thing, less frequent compared to last time. So sorry, its not that I have been busy, but just LAZY!!! haha. Anyway, let me just update on the happenings for my weekend. Friday, was suppose to met up with Sherine for movie, but as she got last min plans, it was cancelled, so i went to shop for my cousin & niece pressies instead. Afterwhich was gym at YCK before proceeding to band prac. The crowd was relatively small, and flute only had me and andy, but generally we sounded not too bad i must say.
Saturday, band practise was horrible, not musically, but technically, as lao shi played challenging song one after the other, and not once, but many times. Was totally drained after the session was over. Went for Sherine's party, the crowd was pretty good I must say, and thank god it didn't rain coz its open air. Help took quite a number of pictures (just being myself, camera whore) and since i didn't want to go home that early, i decided to stay and see what sherine and her gang of frens plans were after the party. We ended up singing Ktv in town. I feel so odd, as i was the only "outsider" from all her secondary school mates. but boy can they sing, all singing like semi pro. hehez... left the place at 4am, and as some left, the rest (including me) sat at long john sliver (cine) and chit chat while we waited for the first train/bus/and no more mid night charges. There is when I got to know more about her frens, and their secondary school life, etc, pretty nice bunch of pple i must say. Poor dylan, must have been dame tired, coz he was dozing off as the rest of us chat the night away. about 6, we got a cab home, initally sherine was suppose to rest over at peili's place before heading home, but ended up having breakfast with me, haha and we talk till about 8ish before heading home.
Yesterday, after i got home, showered, rest for about 1 1/2 hrs before going out again, this time to meet herbert for a little gym session. then we headed over to his place before heading to vivo to walk around. The place was damn packed man, people everywhere. We were there till about 9 plus before calling it a night and head home.
Home, opened a bottle of wine, and shared with my parents. My dad was having a craving for it too. haha. Watched love actually, was not too bad and before i realised, Christmas was here. Honestly, haven't spent christmas alone for a very long while, and there was alot of mixed feeling I got. Feelings that are very difficult to explain, so I got myself more to drink before calling it a night. Always works for me.... heez..
Today, slacked the day away, oh right not totally, went out for awhile and did some gadget hunting... haha was at herbert's place yesterday and saw their new tv... and was pretty affordable, so went to the same place and got myself one set too! haha! FREAKING BROKE now... but happy coz i am finally gonna get a home theater system. Whats best is its gonna be in my room!!! all of it... muhahaha here is a sample of how my lastest gadget is gonna look like, but not exactly the same model lah... hehez...
Nice right? haha, however its so popular that its out of stock, thus i have to wait till January 15 where new stock will come and they will deliver it to my place. haha so excited. As for the freebies, i would need to find time to drop by bencoolen to collect. Wee!!! now i really need a job to cover it liao.. OMG money money money!!! thats all I have for now... ciaoz...
Just realised my blogging frequency is turning into a weekly thing, less frequent compared to last time. So sorry, its not that I have been busy, but just LAZY!!! haha. Anyway, let me just update on the happenings for my weekend. Friday, was suppose to met up with Sherine for movie, but as she got last min plans, it was cancelled, so i went to shop for my cousin & niece pressies instead. Afterwhich was gym at YCK before proceeding to band prac. The crowd was relatively small, and flute only had me and andy, but generally we sounded not too bad i must say.
Saturday, band practise was horrible, not musically, but technically, as lao shi played challenging song one after the other, and not once, but many times. Was totally drained after the session was over. Went for Sherine's party, the crowd was pretty good I must say, and thank god it didn't rain coz its open air. Help took quite a number of pictures (just being myself, camera whore) and since i didn't want to go home that early, i decided to stay and see what sherine and her gang of frens plans were after the party. We ended up singing Ktv in town. I feel so odd, as i was the only "outsider" from all her secondary school mates. but boy can they sing, all singing like semi pro. hehez... left the place at 4am, and as some left, the rest (including me) sat at long john sliver (cine) and chit chat while we waited for the first train/bus/and no more mid night charges. There is when I got to know more about her frens, and their secondary school life, etc, pretty nice bunch of pple i must say. Poor dylan, must have been dame tired, coz he was dozing off as the rest of us chat the night away. about 6, we got a cab home, initally sherine was suppose to rest over at peili's place before heading home, but ended up having breakfast with me, haha and we talk till about 8ish before heading home.
Yesterday, after i got home, showered, rest for about 1 1/2 hrs before going out again, this time to meet herbert for a little gym session. then we headed over to his place before heading to vivo to walk around. The place was damn packed man, people everywhere. We were there till about 9 plus before calling it a night and head home.
Home, opened a bottle of wine, and shared with my parents. My dad was having a craving for it too. haha. Watched love actually, was not too bad and before i realised, Christmas was here. Honestly, haven't spent christmas alone for a very long while, and there was alot of mixed feeling I got. Feelings that are very difficult to explain, so I got myself more to drink before calling it a night. Always works for me.... heez..
Today, slacked the day away, oh right not totally, went out for awhile and did some gadget hunting... haha was at herbert's place yesterday and saw their new tv... and was pretty affordable, so went to the same place and got myself one set too! haha! FREAKING BROKE now... but happy coz i am finally gonna get a home theater system. Whats best is its gonna be in my room!!! all of it... muhahaha here is a sample of how my lastest gadget is gonna look like, but not exactly the same model lah... hehez...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Rain Rain Rain!!!
Its been raining since yesterday, pouring to be exact, and now its still drizzling outside. Perfect weather to be snoozing in bed. But here I am, starting work... Just realised its been awhile since I last blog. Guess the weather is making me really lazy. But well this is what that have been happening this past week.
Last Friday, didn't have to work, and was a gathering with my section, kind of an Xmas gathering to be exact. So got out of the house earlier as Wai leng and Sherine wanted to do some last min shopping. Well, I did want to go for blood donation that afternoon before meeting up with them. But as i found out, i cannot donate as i got my wisdom tooth extracted 2 months ago, and the SOP is that no blood donation for at least 3 mth after the operation. damn! super waste of my time going so early. Nevertheless, went walking about at PS waiting for the ladies. Met up with them at about 2, before heading into town to do abit of shopping. Meet up with Jasmine shortly, the ladies bought a number of things, but both Wai leng and Sherine ended up buying shoes as heels are giving them abit of a problem. Afterwhich, we headed on to Raffles City, where we all met up for dinner off at Season Reasons restaurant. The ambience and all is pretty nice, we got the little corner seat. Was suppose to be a cozy corner, but well honest, felt pretty odd. Guess the festive mood wasn't really in yet, this year's gathering didn't felt as good as last years. After dinner, we all had a drink off at TCC, got myself coffee as I forsee its gonna be a long night for myself. After that, the gang split and we headed to DXO for trisa's birthday. Was suppose to have a family gathering, but was cancelled in the end. Party was crazy, but we didn't manage to get the birthday girl drunk... haha well ladies night, but the ladies didn't drink as hard as i expected man... suggested opening a bottle, but since majority was ladies... i decided to keep the suggestion to myself. Left the place at about 4, was neither here nor there, so decide to not go home at all. Sherine, adeline, Wai leng and Karen, was kind enough to accompany me, they were all heading to Karen's at first. Thanks Ladies. We hang around boat quay, had alot of laugh just being crazy. About 6ish, we headed to Maxwell to have breakfast before heading back. Everyone was dead tired man. Reached home at about 8am, slp for 2 hours, before heading out to Azre's place to get some songs and for band pract after.
Saturday, band pract was fun. had dinner with the rest before heading home to rest. Turned in at about 11 pm.
Woke up at 10am the next morning and head for band prac. After band prac, had lunch with the gang before heading for KTV with karen, sasa and waileng. Was dame fun lah, we sang a few English songs (including 12 days of Christmas just for the fun of it)and really had plenty of fun. Got home at about 9pm.
Yesterday, nothing much happened. Went to the gym despite pouring rain. Been very reluctant in working out... Think I am falling back into the slp mode, like that time when I am on alot of vacation overseas. FESTIVE SEASONS!!! love them and hate them... good time for meeting up friends and getting FAT haiz... Oh well, thats pretty much how my past week have been. Its been pretty quiet this week so far, just hope it stays this way for awhile lah... hehez... Cheers!
Last Friday, didn't have to work, and was a gathering with my section, kind of an Xmas gathering to be exact. So got out of the house earlier as Wai leng and Sherine wanted to do some last min shopping. Well, I did want to go for blood donation that afternoon before meeting up with them. But as i found out, i cannot donate as i got my wisdom tooth extracted 2 months ago, and the SOP is that no blood donation for at least 3 mth after the operation. damn! super waste of my time going so early. Nevertheless, went walking about at PS waiting for the ladies. Met up with them at about 2, before heading into town to do abit of shopping. Meet up with Jasmine shortly, the ladies bought a number of things, but both Wai leng and Sherine ended up buying shoes as heels are giving them abit of a problem. Afterwhich, we headed on to Raffles City, where we all met up for dinner off at Season Reasons restaurant. The ambience and all is pretty nice, we got the little corner seat. Was suppose to be a cozy corner, but well honest, felt pretty odd. Guess the festive mood wasn't really in yet, this year's gathering didn't felt as good as last years. After dinner, we all had a drink off at TCC, got myself coffee as I forsee its gonna be a long night for myself. After that, the gang split and we headed to DXO for trisa's birthday. Was suppose to have a family gathering, but was cancelled in the end. Party was crazy, but we didn't manage to get the birthday girl drunk... haha well ladies night, but the ladies didn't drink as hard as i expected man... suggested opening a bottle, but since majority was ladies... i decided to keep the suggestion to myself. Left the place at about 4, was neither here nor there, so decide to not go home at all. Sherine, adeline, Wai leng and Karen, was kind enough to accompany me, they were all heading to Karen's at first. Thanks Ladies. We hang around boat quay, had alot of laugh just being crazy. About 6ish, we headed to Maxwell to have breakfast before heading back. Everyone was dead tired man. Reached home at about 8am, slp for 2 hours, before heading out to Azre's place to get some songs and for band pract after.
Saturday, band pract was fun. had dinner with the rest before heading home to rest. Turned in at about 11 pm.
Woke up at 10am the next morning and head for band prac. After band prac, had lunch with the gang before heading for KTV with karen, sasa and waileng. Was dame fun lah, we sang a few English songs (including 12 days of Christmas just for the fun of it)and really had plenty of fun. Got home at about 9pm.
Yesterday, nothing much happened. Went to the gym despite pouring rain. Been very reluctant in working out... Think I am falling back into the slp mode, like that time when I am on alot of vacation overseas. FESTIVE SEASONS!!! love them and hate them... good time for meeting up friends and getting FAT haiz... Oh well, thats pretty much how my past week have been. Its been pretty quiet this week so far, just hope it stays this way for awhile lah... hehez... Cheers!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Pretty smooth week so far!
Helo everyone, it is me, here to whine about everything about life again. Alright maybe not whine, B**** pehaps. heez... The week have been pretty alright for me thus far, other then money issues, I must say life is pretty smooth sailing, but hey, since when is my life no entangled in money issue. But one thing is for sure, I am slowly getting life before army back. Very thankful for it.
Recap on the past couple of days. Monday, caught the movie "Dejavu", with 2 lovely ladies, Sherine and Trisa after work, since we all work pretty nearby, that pretty much explains the trio lah. hehe... Anyway, the show was pretty now bad I must say, storyline is pretty straightforward, pretty much what the title says. shall not get into too much of a detail just in case you have not watch and is intending to catch it. Worth watch. Looking forward to many good movies to come!!! Tuesday, settle some billing problem then went for muay thai. The class was all male that day, felt pretty much like a boxing training camp. Muay thai is getting more and more interesting, at least I am enjoying every session of it, can't wait to go thailand and get my own set of gears!!! After that, was suppose to go home and finish up my packing, but met up with Yi Xin and Angie instead. Had my dinner, chat for awhile before calling it a night, Jayson was suppose to join us, but wasn't able to make it in the last min due to work, poor guy man, really slogging like a bull now. Got home, and did packing till my eyes can bearly stay open, den was off to bed.
Today, worked again, finish quite abit of it, should be abit to complete by next week ba, then what? holiday? haha i wish thou, but the thought of no income scares me. shall take a step at a time lah. Friday will be a fun filled day. My plan for the day i suppose will be blood donation first, was thinking of getting it done over the weekend, but then again, since I am already heading to town and its along the way, might as well get it done and over with. Then I suppose I will meet up with Sherine and Waileng first, coz the rest will be only meeting up in the evening. After that there is Trisa birthday, more drinking! OMG, not good at all man. I have been putting on weight, and its only mid of December, and with all the festive season coming up, damn! will definately go back to square 1 lah!!! *sob* pray hard and training hard whenever i can....
Oh yah, the post to the concert is ready, to all those that haven't got my email, probably because I don't, here it is.

Recap on the past couple of days. Monday, caught the movie "Dejavu", with 2 lovely ladies, Sherine and Trisa after work, since we all work pretty nearby, that pretty much explains the trio lah. hehe... Anyway, the show was pretty now bad I must say, storyline is pretty straightforward, pretty much what the title says. shall not get into too much of a detail just in case you have not watch and is intending to catch it. Worth watch. Looking forward to many good movies to come!!! Tuesday, settle some billing problem then went for muay thai. The class was all male that day, felt pretty much like a boxing training camp. Muay thai is getting more and more interesting, at least I am enjoying every session of it, can't wait to go thailand and get my own set of gears!!! After that, was suppose to go home and finish up my packing, but met up with Yi Xin and Angie instead. Had my dinner, chat for awhile before calling it a night, Jayson was suppose to join us, but wasn't able to make it in the last min due to work, poor guy man, really slogging like a bull now. Got home, and did packing till my eyes can bearly stay open, den was off to bed.
Today, worked again, finish quite abit of it, should be abit to complete by next week ba, then what? holiday? haha i wish thou, but the thought of no income scares me. shall take a step at a time lah. Friday will be a fun filled day. My plan for the day i suppose will be blood donation first, was thinking of getting it done over the weekend, but then again, since I am already heading to town and its along the way, might as well get it done and over with. Then I suppose I will meet up with Sherine and Waileng first, coz the rest will be only meeting up in the evening. After that there is Trisa birthday, more drinking! OMG, not good at all man. I have been putting on weight, and its only mid of December, and with all the festive season coming up, damn! will definately go back to square 1 lah!!! *sob* pray hard and training hard whenever i can....
Oh yah, the post to the concert is ready, to all those that haven't got my email, probably because I don't, here it is.

Date: 7th January 2007, Sunday
Venue: Victoria Concert Hall
Time : 5pm
Price: SGD 10 (free seating)
Please come and suppose k! its my first concert after a year or more not touching flute. Some must be wondering, I just got out of SAF band so what am I talking about right. Well, the truth is, I have been playing the bass drum for my final year in army, so my chances of playing the flute was ZERO for the year... that explains why i am so keen on this concert. My flute revivial concert man... hehez come support k...
Alright, thats all for me for now... shall update more about the weekend to come... when I got the time that is. For now, Ciaoz!!!
Venue: Victoria Concert Hall
Time : 5pm
Price: SGD 10 (free seating)
Please come and suppose k! its my first concert after a year or more not touching flute. Some must be wondering, I just got out of SAF band so what am I talking about right. Well, the truth is, I have been playing the bass drum for my final year in army, so my chances of playing the flute was ZERO for the year... that explains why i am so keen on this concert. My flute revivial concert man... hehez come support k...
Alright, thats all for me for now... shall update more about the weekend to come... when I got the time that is. For now, Ciaoz!!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Birthday filled weekend...
These few weekends are going to be birthday filled, last week was Tommy's, coming is Trisa's and the following is Sherine's. Looking forward to them but my schedule is pretty packed too.. so hafta really see how things goes. Now recap on the pass few days.
Friday, the ever so fortunate me, met up with 4 pretty ladies (Jacqeline, Sherine, Trisa and Karen - name in no particular order FYI =P) after work to do a little shopping for Tommy's pressie. Xiu was suppose to meet us, but didn't in the end as she had OT. Anyway, we looked at the new GAP off at Wistma, not too bad, the things are alright i must say. Then just walked around town before deciding to dine at Ding Tai Feng, Wistma. Waited dame long as the queue was bloody long, lucky the food was worth the wait. After that we head on to hereen and cine for more shopping, and the girls obviously cannot resist the temptation and ended up buying things for themselves too. Oh yah, went in to Jean Perrie at Hereen, a shop I promised myself never to stepped into ever again (last time), got a top from there for ah tom, was really reluctant to go in there but under that circumstances and time, there wasn't much of a choice left. The staff there sure are a bunch of desperate guys, haha, never seen such good customer service before, I am sure the credit goes to my "girlfriends". When it got late, the girls called it a night while i join Jayson and angie at Ice cold for a beer, got introduced to Jessica, a pretty bubbly and dame Singaporean girl. hehez. Yi Xin join us later, sat down and chat, as usual Jessica was suprised when he know my age, I LOOK OLD, yes i admit... Well can tell that the both of them was dame tired from work so we called it a night at about 2ish.
Saturday, got up, settled some stuff before heading to band prac... band practice was fun man. Andy Koh was there and so was many NTU people, making our section the strongest for the day. Anneson and Tong Ho came down slightly later increasing the strength of our section. Hehez, it feels good to be playing among good players. After band prac, loitered around the band room for awhile before heading to ah tom birthday bash! We were among the first few to be there, and since I was in a "party" mood, got kinda carried away with my actions at times, haha really no image already. Can feel pairs of eyes constantly looking at me, but did nothing about it. Glad Ah tom like our pressie, guess its bye bye to that old bag of his? haha hopefully, if not our plan of revamping ah tom won't work. After that, they went on to club while i head off to Holland Village to meet up with Lisa and gang. There wasn't many left when I got there (not suprised considering i got there about 12ish). Got introduced to some of her frens, her brother and her BF. Moved over from Wala to Baden for another drink before call it a night. Hitch a ride home on Lisa BF car, he was kind enough to give everyone a ride back, thx man.
Sunday, got up and head to band. Band size was pretty decent, not as big as sat but better than last sunday. After practise had lunch with Zhi Sheng, Andy and Fong Cheng at Sumo House again. After that, met up with Azre in town for a little shopping. He gave me a treat, kinda belated birthday lunch, and i treated him dessert later in the night before we call it a night. I enjoys his company, but the attention that we gets kind of bothers me abit...haha, all the "woo, a couple" look.. haha EWww... hehe. but its really fun to do shopping never the least.
And that sums up my weekend, enjoy the week to come and will try to update when i have the time den. Cheers!
Friday, the ever so fortunate me, met up with 4 pretty ladies (Jacqeline, Sherine, Trisa and Karen - name in no particular order FYI =P) after work to do a little shopping for Tommy's pressie. Xiu was suppose to meet us, but didn't in the end as she had OT. Anyway, we looked at the new GAP off at Wistma, not too bad, the things are alright i must say. Then just walked around town before deciding to dine at Ding Tai Feng, Wistma. Waited dame long as the queue was bloody long, lucky the food was worth the wait. After that we head on to hereen and cine for more shopping, and the girls obviously cannot resist the temptation and ended up buying things for themselves too. Oh yah, went in to Jean Perrie at Hereen, a shop I promised myself never to stepped into ever again (last time), got a top from there for ah tom, was really reluctant to go in there but under that circumstances and time, there wasn't much of a choice left. The staff there sure are a bunch of desperate guys, haha, never seen such good customer service before, I am sure the credit goes to my "girlfriends". When it got late, the girls called it a night while i join Jayson and angie at Ice cold for a beer, got introduced to Jessica, a pretty bubbly and dame Singaporean girl. hehez. Yi Xin join us later, sat down and chat, as usual Jessica was suprised when he know my age, I LOOK OLD, yes i admit... Well can tell that the both of them was dame tired from work so we called it a night at about 2ish.
Saturday, got up, settled some stuff before heading to band prac... band practice was fun man. Andy Koh was there and so was many NTU people, making our section the strongest for the day. Anneson and Tong Ho came down slightly later increasing the strength of our section. Hehez, it feels good to be playing among good players. After band prac, loitered around the band room for awhile before heading to ah tom birthday bash! We were among the first few to be there, and since I was in a "party" mood, got kinda carried away with my actions at times, haha really no image already. Can feel pairs of eyes constantly looking at me, but did nothing about it. Glad Ah tom like our pressie, guess its bye bye to that old bag of his? haha hopefully, if not our plan of revamping ah tom won't work. After that, they went on to club while i head off to Holland Village to meet up with Lisa and gang. There wasn't many left when I got there (not suprised considering i got there about 12ish). Got introduced to some of her frens, her brother and her BF. Moved over from Wala to Baden for another drink before call it a night. Hitch a ride home on Lisa BF car, he was kind enough to give everyone a ride back, thx man.
Sunday, got up and head to band. Band size was pretty decent, not as big as sat but better than last sunday. After practise had lunch with Zhi Sheng, Andy and Fong Cheng at Sumo House again. After that, met up with Azre in town for a little shopping. He gave me a treat, kinda belated birthday lunch, and i treated him dessert later in the night before we call it a night. I enjoys his company, but the attention that we gets kind of bothers me abit...haha, all the "woo, a couple" look.. haha EWww... hehe. but its really fun to do shopping never the least.
And that sums up my weekend, enjoy the week to come and will try to update when i have the time den. Cheers!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Weekend... lifeless???
Last time, weekend is all about Dragonboat, and I always look forward to it... now its about band, and I too look forward to it, just not as enthu to it as compared to DB. So many things are happening now that the year is coming to an end. Shops have extended their shopping hours to cater to pre Christmas shopping. And good news to tai tais out there, Club 21 shops are having sale. Branded goods like Gucci, YSL and Furla are also having sale. so happy shopping pple!!!
Yesterday was a very sucky day man, sudden depression almost killed me lah... abit better today, maybe cause it the weekend and last night did workout to vent out the fustration within. spent an hour skipping and practising my muay thai moves. Was really got workout, coz I was worn out man... by far the best workout I have in awhile, since Hellweek sprinting day i suppose.
Today, after work will be meeting up with a few pretty ladies to do shopping in town, as usual it will be window shopping for me as I have not done any packing up at home year, not to mention still haven't got the list that i wan to shop.
Tml will be band followed by a couple of party to attend. First will be Ah Tom's 21st, den will be Lisa 21st, its at Wala wala, a place with lots of memories... haha those that are there will know only. so yeah guess i won't have much time to blog tml. Anyway, sunday should be going to do some shopping after band prac too, see if there is any kakis... and that pretty much settles my weekend... No dragonboat and thats how life goes... I am getting fairer, not a good sign at all.. so tanning anyone? hehez... Cheers
Yesterday was a very sucky day man, sudden depression almost killed me lah... abit better today, maybe cause it the weekend and last night did workout to vent out the fustration within. spent an hour skipping and practising my muay thai moves. Was really got workout, coz I was worn out man... by far the best workout I have in awhile, since Hellweek sprinting day i suppose.
Today, after work will be meeting up with a few pretty ladies to do shopping in town, as usual it will be window shopping for me as I have not done any packing up at home year, not to mention still haven't got the list that i wan to shop.
Tml will be band followed by a couple of party to attend. First will be Ah Tom's 21st, den will be Lisa 21st, its at Wala wala, a place with lots of memories... haha those that are there will know only. so yeah guess i won't have much time to blog tml. Anyway, sunday should be going to do some shopping after band prac too, see if there is any kakis... and that pretty much settles my weekend... No dragonboat and thats how life goes... I am getting fairer, not a good sign at all.. so tanning anyone? hehez... Cheers
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Time for isolation!!! feeling sucky!!!
Not sure if the gloomy weather at the end of the year is affecting my mood, but all I can say its bad with a capital B!!! and the worse of all is I haven't the idea whats causing it!!! I haven't had this feeling since the period of time after my sister left... The feeling is so aweful, I don't like, please make it go away.... someone help!!!
I am in a state whereby I lost all interest in things about my surronding, be it friends, family, whatever! Just sick and tired of life in general! No idea what is causing it. Yesterday was chatting with angie online about all the up coming parties coming up. The more I talked about it, the more turned-off I got, I am even starting to lose interest in celebrating Xmas and New year already! Whats happening to me? I really wonder?
But one thing never really got affected, which I am glad, is gyming and training, the passion for it have weaken abit after my bday, but not totally gone yet. But now that I have stopped going for dragonboat temporary, weekend seems somewhat more dull. Not that I am not enjoying playing music, its just that, the feeling is of a different class of its own.
Was heading out of the house today, forget so many things, worse was my contact lenses, actually forgotten to put them on, only realised after I touched my specs. My mum even can sense that I have loads to worry, which I replied with a smile, nothing else. For the fact I am not sure what I am worry about worries me...
Izit girlfriend issue? have I been alone for too long that i am desperate for some love? or izzit money issue? Am i really such a miser army have trained me to be with that pathetic pay? or what izit? this question are revolving around my head now, making me very confused about life and all. Where am I heading? is there a clear path ahead? all I see now is a misty path, and i cannot even see the end of the road. Am I head to a cliff? or to paradise? Strangely when people encounter such problem, I usually can provide a sensible solution to try and help them. Now when I am in such problem, I wonder where all my solutions have gone to. I guess is true when they say the greatest healer can heal everyone but himself.
I maybe going into personal isolation for a few weeks just to sort out myself. Thus, if you cannot find me, or if I can't make it for gatherings and all, please forgive me. I would love to go on a trip now, but no place for me to head to now. Hopefully time can sort out everything for me. VEXED!!!
I am in a state whereby I lost all interest in things about my surronding, be it friends, family, whatever! Just sick and tired of life in general! No idea what is causing it. Yesterday was chatting with angie online about all the up coming parties coming up. The more I talked about it, the more turned-off I got, I am even starting to lose interest in celebrating Xmas and New year already! Whats happening to me? I really wonder?
But one thing never really got affected, which I am glad, is gyming and training, the passion for it have weaken abit after my bday, but not totally gone yet. But now that I have stopped going for dragonboat temporary, weekend seems somewhat more dull. Not that I am not enjoying playing music, its just that, the feeling is of a different class of its own.
Was heading out of the house today, forget so many things, worse was my contact lenses, actually forgotten to put them on, only realised after I touched my specs. My mum even can sense that I have loads to worry, which I replied with a smile, nothing else. For the fact I am not sure what I am worry about worries me...
Izit girlfriend issue? have I been alone for too long that i am desperate for some love? or izzit money issue? Am i really such a miser army have trained me to be with that pathetic pay? or what izit? this question are revolving around my head now, making me very confused about life and all. Where am I heading? is there a clear path ahead? all I see now is a misty path, and i cannot even see the end of the road. Am I head to a cliff? or to paradise? Strangely when people encounter such problem, I usually can provide a sensible solution to try and help them. Now when I am in such problem, I wonder where all my solutions have gone to. I guess is true when they say the greatest healer can heal everyone but himself.
I maybe going into personal isolation for a few weeks just to sort out myself. Thus, if you cannot find me, or if I can't make it for gatherings and all, please forgive me. I would love to go on a trip now, but no place for me to head to now. Hopefully time can sort out everything for me. VEXED!!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Mid week well spent!
For once I didn't waste my day at home doing nothing all day, did plenty of packing up, since the year is coming to a close, I reckon there is bound to be things to be dumped away, and indeed there is plenty, now the place look more decent, and the good news is, I have not even started on my waredrobe yet. That is a major project that requires an entire day to do so man... and when those unwanted clothes are dumped... then is MORE SHOPPING!!! woo hoo...
Need to find a good tailor to alter all my shirt i bought last time, way oversized for me... any good recommendation? anyone? cheap and good prefered, hehez, me being a typical singaporean. Anyway, yesterday was my 9th lessson of Muay thai, haha finally over the "beginner" phrase (first 8 lessons). Not that there is any advancement, but well at least my technique is improving. Let me recap more about yesterday before I start talking about muay thai again. Yesterday, met up with Jacqueline in town to do some shopping, met her at Paragon after she get her brows nicely trimmed. She had a list of item to buy, so we went around places "hunting" those item down... Haha okok maybe hunting seems like a little overboard, well, looking around, doing the routine window shopping. Me on the other hand, was looking for my blue top. After scouting through paragon, we went on to taka, and looked for Carol at her workplace. The place was super packed can, wonder where all this people get all the money to buy all the things in there.. haha DAMN EX LAH!!! after that was more shopping and getting my top (FINALLY!!!), before we settle at a Hong Kong cafe in the basement of taka for a light meal. After that, Jac was off for her little movie session with her frens and a bunch of her kids, it was pouring elephants and hippo man, and thx to my laziness, there was an umbrella in my bag. So I walked Jac to the bus stop, gave her the brolly and make my way back to Wistma, had to dry off before doing more window shopping. Managed to get to hereen, half drenched that is, met Peili at her workplace and finally got "GONG" from her, yayz something to do during my free time liao!!! She was kinda poor thing, so many things to do, so many responsibilities... but hey that is part and parcel of promotion i suppose... hehez.. Gambate neh!!!
Then after was off to Muay Thai practise. As it was pouring, we had it in the carpark, and boy was it humid man. The air was so dense, I had difficulty catching my breathe, it was horrible. Began the session with light skipping for about 5 mins. Then did a couple of rounds with Alvin, and when the crowd starts coming in. we practise different kneeing methods and taking blows, etc. Was very fun. As the lesson was about to come to an end, got a chance for another round of pad work with alvin. Must say it was intensive man, there is no break, blows after blows, and i can tell Alvin was all fired up, and so was I. Punctured when we were reaching the end, and was nearly breathless man by the time I was done... Took awhile before I can regain my proper breathing and all. After that was dinner with gary and ginny, before heading back home.
Today, spent sometime packing my room, cleared alot of old things, bills dated 2 years ago and all... haha no wonder my room was in a mess. Well in the mess there was some "treasures" too, photos of my old self. The yesterday ryan, and when i see them, boy do they bring out my memory man... After all the packing, went to the gym to do some weights, before retiring home for a good dinner... Tml will be working, kinda tried to work after so many days rest, but hey no work no income, no income means no SHOPPING man!!! so yah... hehez.. Anyway, thats about it, Packed weekend all the way for the month of December!!! scary man... a part of me wish that it passes really quickly, another hope that 2006 dun come to an end yet, as I am still far from my target, and mission... hehez... Alright, thats all for now... will blog again real soon... Cheers!
Need to find a good tailor to alter all my shirt i bought last time, way oversized for me... any good recommendation? anyone? cheap and good prefered, hehez, me being a typical singaporean. Anyway, yesterday was my 9th lessson of Muay thai, haha finally over the "beginner" phrase (first 8 lessons). Not that there is any advancement, but well at least my technique is improving. Let me recap more about yesterday before I start talking about muay thai again. Yesterday, met up with Jacqueline in town to do some shopping, met her at Paragon after she get her brows nicely trimmed. She had a list of item to buy, so we went around places "hunting" those item down... Haha okok maybe hunting seems like a little overboard, well, looking around, doing the routine window shopping. Me on the other hand, was looking for my blue top. After scouting through paragon, we went on to taka, and looked for Carol at her workplace. The place was super packed can, wonder where all this people get all the money to buy all the things in there.. haha DAMN EX LAH!!! after that was more shopping and getting my top (FINALLY!!!), before we settle at a Hong Kong cafe in the basement of taka for a light meal. After that, Jac was off for her little movie session with her frens and a bunch of her kids, it was pouring elephants and hippo man, and thx to my laziness, there was an umbrella in my bag. So I walked Jac to the bus stop, gave her the brolly and make my way back to Wistma, had to dry off before doing more window shopping. Managed to get to hereen, half drenched that is, met Peili at her workplace and finally got "GONG" from her, yayz something to do during my free time liao!!! She was kinda poor thing, so many things to do, so many responsibilities... but hey that is part and parcel of promotion i suppose... hehez.. Gambate neh!!!
Then after was off to Muay Thai practise. As it was pouring, we had it in the carpark, and boy was it humid man. The air was so dense, I had difficulty catching my breathe, it was horrible. Began the session with light skipping for about 5 mins. Then did a couple of rounds with Alvin, and when the crowd starts coming in. we practise different kneeing methods and taking blows, etc. Was very fun. As the lesson was about to come to an end, got a chance for another round of pad work with alvin. Must say it was intensive man, there is no break, blows after blows, and i can tell Alvin was all fired up, and so was I. Punctured when we were reaching the end, and was nearly breathless man by the time I was done... Took awhile before I can regain my proper breathing and all. After that was dinner with gary and ginny, before heading back home.
Today, spent sometime packing my room, cleared alot of old things, bills dated 2 years ago and all... haha no wonder my room was in a mess. Well in the mess there was some "treasures" too, photos of my old self. The yesterday ryan, and when i see them, boy do they bring out my memory man... After all the packing, went to the gym to do some weights, before retiring home for a good dinner... Tml will be working, kinda tried to work after so many days rest, but hey no work no income, no income means no SHOPPING man!!! so yah... hehez.. Anyway, thats about it, Packed weekend all the way for the month of December!!! scary man... a part of me wish that it passes really quickly, another hope that 2006 dun come to an end yet, as I am still far from my target, and mission... hehez... Alright, thats all for now... will blog again real soon... Cheers!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Photos to share!!!
Just realised I haven't been blogging for a long while, ever since the day before i turned 22, and also tonnes of photos not shared with my frens... haha but here they are... on my big day!!!
After the cake cutting, pretty much everything else that happens after is a blur, till today, alot of stuff my fren told me i do, i still didn't believe i did it... haha... But was a smashing day lah... getting f**k drunk is fun... but the hangover is a killer thou... so yah... more parties to come by... coz its the end of the year!!! woo hoo!!!
After the cake cutting, pretty much everything else that happens after is a blur, till today, alot of stuff my fren told me i do, i still didn't believe i did it... haha... But was a smashing day lah... getting f**k drunk is fun... but the hangover is a killer thou... so yah... more parties to come by... coz its the end of the year!!! woo hoo!!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The day...not quite there yet...
This week have passed really fast, its already thursday! Tml will be the big day!!! haha know it happens every year, but still it only comes once in a year and that still makes me excited.
Today, took leave from work (for today and tml) just to get enough rest, but was already up by 9+, and wanted to snooze but just couldn't so i figured i better get out of bed as i can feel a headache coming on. Have my day pretty much planned out for me. Will be heading to gym, then down to gardens to rackee the place for tml, and den off to town, do somemore window shopping and movie with my muay thai mates!!! hehe watching HAPPY FEET haha the most talked movie for now... so yeah. that will pretty much be my day...
Past few days have been pretty much calm, have been in office doing my work. The only little drama i suppose was at gym on monday, this guy I think for a moment was going into a stroke, then shortly recovered, very scary... Luckly, he is alright, saw him yesterday at gym again. Reckon he should rest for awhile, but I understand his devotion lah, aren't I also in the same "Gym is life" theory. haha Alright i guess that for now... will head to gym later in the afternoon.. meanwhile take care all... and have a great weekend ahead... 2 more days TAHAN!!!
Today, took leave from work (for today and tml) just to get enough rest, but was already up by 9+, and wanted to snooze but just couldn't so i figured i better get out of bed as i can feel a headache coming on. Have my day pretty much planned out for me. Will be heading to gym, then down to gardens to rackee the place for tml, and den off to town, do somemore window shopping and movie with my muay thai mates!!! hehe watching HAPPY FEET haha the most talked movie for now... so yeah. that will pretty much be my day...
Past few days have been pretty much calm, have been in office doing my work. The only little drama i suppose was at gym on monday, this guy I think for a moment was going into a stroke, then shortly recovered, very scary... Luckly, he is alright, saw him yesterday at gym again. Reckon he should rest for awhile, but I understand his devotion lah, aren't I also in the same "Gym is life" theory. haha Alright i guess that for now... will head to gym later in the afternoon.. meanwhile take care all... and have a great weekend ahead... 2 more days TAHAN!!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
3 More days!!!
Its already tuesday, and things have not really been settled, argh what a rash move man... Now just dame worried it will not come true... and den its a malu situation man... *praying hard*. Just hope people turns up and have a good time.
Anyway, enough on that, just made me "older" by a few years worrying about that. Let me just briefly go through my pampered weekend. It started of at the beach with our paddle up to brewerks, but that was a disappointment as we weren't allowed access into the boat quay area as we didn't have the permit to do so. We have been doing this every past year and there wasn't a problem, with exception to this year. All thanks to the change in authorities. Anyway, we brought our disappointment back to the beach, and luckily we had some to drink there. Angie prepared a cake for me and everyone started singing happy birthday, and i knew what was coming after, a Down Down (a tradition of Aussies to finish a cup of beer at one shot, while they sing a song to go with it, of course the faster u drink the better.) and everyone had a fair share of the cake. Was thinking of going home after which as I had the 4-80 challenge the next day, but was pyschoed into going for the dragonfest, which eventually i did, and have a swell and really pampered time. And i had a great time taking many pictures, being the cam whore that I am. But as the night went, haha think fatique took over and with the booze, i became very slpy, sleeping on any flat platform i can find. Thank god angie gave me a ride home, think this is the 2nd time she saw this... haha feeling honored Angie? hehe... thx alot thou.
As expected, I missed the morning challenge, woke up at about 9ish, after washing up, had to start running errands for my mum. Then, met up with dawn, yi xin and jayson for some shopping in town. Ended up at vivocity, we had a pretty good time I must say. Then as they headed back home, I met up with herbert and navin to catch the Man U/ Chelsea match. Got home at about 2am and that pretty much sums up my weekend.
Today, got to see another ugly sight of Singaporean again. Was in the train, and this pregnant lady walked in, and had to stand because no one offered their seats. There is no wat u cannot tell she is pregnent as i guess she was already close to delievery, her tummy was pretty big already. Guess who offered a seat in the end, an old lady, should be in her 80s, at that point, I was really disappointed to be a Singaporean. I mean, ok the old lady was getting off thats why she offered her seat, but she offered it before the train have reached the destination, which means she still stands. when when we reach the station, then people start to stand and alight. I mean can't they just do it abit earlier, will standing a min kill them or something. I really don't understand where all the basic manners of all this people have gone to man. Most of them are older than I am, so no excuse on not being educated by all the "courtesy begins with me" campigns. ARGH is so fustrating to see this kinda thing man... Utterly disappointed.
Anyway, back to work, guess will be leaving office earlier to settle somethings, having cold war with my mum over a damn dumb issue. Shouldn't be an issue in the first place, but just dumb lor. haha Anyway back to work. Ciaoz. MUAY THAI TONITE YAYS!!!
Anyway, enough on that, just made me "older" by a few years worrying about that. Let me just briefly go through my pampered weekend. It started of at the beach with our paddle up to brewerks, but that was a disappointment as we weren't allowed access into the boat quay area as we didn't have the permit to do so. We have been doing this every past year and there wasn't a problem, with exception to this year. All thanks to the change in authorities. Anyway, we brought our disappointment back to the beach, and luckily we had some to drink there. Angie prepared a cake for me and everyone started singing happy birthday, and i knew what was coming after, a Down Down (a tradition of Aussies to finish a cup of beer at one shot, while they sing a song to go with it, of course the faster u drink the better.) and everyone had a fair share of the cake. Was thinking of going home after which as I had the 4-80 challenge the next day, but was pyschoed into going for the dragonfest, which eventually i did, and have a swell and really pampered time. And i had a great time taking many pictures, being the cam whore that I am. But as the night went, haha think fatique took over and with the booze, i became very slpy, sleeping on any flat platform i can find. Thank god angie gave me a ride home, think this is the 2nd time she saw this... haha feeling honored Angie? hehe... thx alot thou.
As expected, I missed the morning challenge, woke up at about 9ish, after washing up, had to start running errands for my mum. Then, met up with dawn, yi xin and jayson for some shopping in town. Ended up at vivocity, we had a pretty good time I must say. Then as they headed back home, I met up with herbert and navin to catch the Man U/ Chelsea match. Got home at about 2am and that pretty much sums up my weekend.
Today, got to see another ugly sight of Singaporean again. Was in the train, and this pregnant lady walked in, and had to stand because no one offered their seats. There is no wat u cannot tell she is pregnent as i guess she was already close to delievery, her tummy was pretty big already. Guess who offered a seat in the end, an old lady, should be in her 80s, at that point, I was really disappointed to be a Singaporean. I mean, ok the old lady was getting off thats why she offered her seat, but she offered it before the train have reached the destination, which means she still stands. when when we reach the station, then people start to stand and alight. I mean can't they just do it abit earlier, will standing a min kill them or something. I really don't understand where all the basic manners of all this people have gone to man. Most of them are older than I am, so no excuse on not being educated by all the "courtesy begins with me" campigns. ARGH is so fustrating to see this kinda thing man... Utterly disappointed.
Anyway, back to work, guess will be leaving office earlier to settle somethings, having cold war with my mum over a damn dumb issue. Shouldn't be an issue in the first place, but just dumb lor. haha Anyway back to work. Ciaoz. MUAY THAI TONITE YAYS!!!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Brewerks Paddle!!!
Once again, its the once a year paddle up to brewerks, get beer and try to find our way back to kallang after... haha. So many years I have been with the team, i believe i have only done this once... pretty sad right, hopefully today will be good, and me being a camera whore, will find means of smuggling my camera to brewarks without getting it wet i suppose.
Yesterday, I went and its was like a war zone man, the place was packed with people, the russling of plastic bags rampaging of the individual are like sounds of cross fire between 2 armies, but in a smaller scale, much smaller. Everyone had to queue to get into the "arena" and at the queue u can acutally see people warming up for a fierce battle ahead, pretty hilarious i must say. Haha, the moment theses people break from the queue, they are like a caged animal released man... you should see the 'vicious' look on some of their faces. When its my turn to get in, i kinda took my time and scout the premises first. Oh just in case you haven't a clue I am talking about, its the Adidas Warehouse Sale. There are not much shoes as compared to past years, variety also reduced, but apparels and caps and all seems to increase. Not too bad deal too lah. Stayed there till near closing. And didn't left empty handed too, haha for $140, I got myself 2 singlet, and 2 pairs of shoes... not a bad deal eh... haha LOVE RETAIL THERAPY, works wonders man... tired but got home satisfied.
Hmm just realise i haven't posted pictures of the race as i promised.... will end today's entires with pictures of the race den... cheers!
Yesterday, I went and its was like a war zone man, the place was packed with people, the russling of plastic bags rampaging of the individual are like sounds of cross fire between 2 armies, but in a smaller scale, much smaller. Everyone had to queue to get into the "arena" and at the queue u can acutally see people warming up for a fierce battle ahead, pretty hilarious i must say. Haha, the moment theses people break from the queue, they are like a caged animal released man... you should see the 'vicious' look on some of their faces. When its my turn to get in, i kinda took my time and scout the premises first. Oh just in case you haven't a clue I am talking about, its the Adidas Warehouse Sale. There are not much shoes as compared to past years, variety also reduced, but apparels and caps and all seems to increase. Not too bad deal too lah. Stayed there till near closing. And didn't left empty handed too, haha for $140, I got myself 2 singlet, and 2 pairs of shoes... not a bad deal eh... haha LOVE RETAIL THERAPY, works wonders man... tired but got home satisfied.
Hmm just realise i haven't posted pictures of the race as i promised.... will end today's entires with pictures of the race den... cheers!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Yay!!! Weekend!!!
Finally, its a friday, and what better way to start of the day, when I flipped open the papers, the first thing i saw was a full page labelled "ADIDAS POST SEASON SALE" . Have been wondering when this sale have gone to as it used to be an annual event. But nevertheless was very excited about it, that I started msging all my Shopperholic friends out there (If you didn't recieve my msg, it simply mean 1) I don't have your number, or 2) you dun fall under this cat. )
Will be calling it a day slightly earlier today, have things to settle at the bank before heading down to the sale. Hoping to get some good buys... shopping alone seems pretty sian, but I have no choice as not everyone have the luxury of going off earlier like me. heez.
Apart from that, i suppose i will be working tml morning too before heading for dragonboat I think. Can use as much cash as possible, especially at this time of the year. Okok going to finish up with my work liao... ciaoz.
Will be calling it a day slightly earlier today, have things to settle at the bank before heading down to the sale. Hoping to get some good buys... shopping alone seems pretty sian, but I have no choice as not everyone have the luxury of going off earlier like me. heez.
Apart from that, i suppose i will be working tml morning too before heading for dragonboat I think. Can use as much cash as possible, especially at this time of the year. Okok going to finish up with my work liao... ciaoz.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
One more working day to Weekend...
Haha seems like I am practically counting down the days to the weekend man. Not that my job is not fun or anything, just that this week seems longer then any other. Pehaps its just that I have to work for the entire week this week, which have not been a norm, which is causing all this weird reactions to life. Haha guess ORD have really bring me to a relax mode man...
Anyway, I am beginning to wonder if I am being watch, or am I just easily mistaken as someone else. Tuesday, as I was walking along Orchard, and stopping by for an ice cream, some surveyor approached me to do a survey. He claimed he recognised me as he took the same train as me. For the fact that he is a guy and he took notice of me kinda freaked me out. Luckily he was pretty young, still in his early teen, if not i would just run man... haha. Then yesterday, went to this spa house somewhere in Chinatown with Sherine to get our brows done, and the beautician thought I looked familar and ask if I have visited before, but its my first visit there. Strangely, I have been getting alot of attention lately. Even out shopping, I notice people look at me, some in a strange way. Maybe i am thinking too much into it, but at time i would go to the toilet and check to see if there is something wrong with me, like something on my face or whatever not. Sure hope its not a bad thing. Then again, those people might be thinking the same way I am, if i don't look at them, I won't know they are looking at me in the first place. So can be myself ba...
Today, think i will call it a day earlier, should be heading to the gym and clear some chores. Don't want to return home to late today, been sleeping pretty late, so if possible I will try to turn in early. Getting really restless lately, not sure y. Am I not resting my body enough? but I don't want my body to go back into "laze" mode, the last time it did, i gain 4 kgs. What more, now that the festive season is around the corner, no time to be slacking off man. For the Xmas dinner, logcakes and all.... Work hard now... Bitter sweet...
Alright, better get back to work already.... fast fast do, fast fast finish, fast fast go!!! heez
Anyway, I am beginning to wonder if I am being watch, or am I just easily mistaken as someone else. Tuesday, as I was walking along Orchard, and stopping by for an ice cream, some surveyor approached me to do a survey. He claimed he recognised me as he took the same train as me. For the fact that he is a guy and he took notice of me kinda freaked me out. Luckily he was pretty young, still in his early teen, if not i would just run man... haha. Then yesterday, went to this spa house somewhere in Chinatown with Sherine to get our brows done, and the beautician thought I looked familar and ask if I have visited before, but its my first visit there. Strangely, I have been getting alot of attention lately. Even out shopping, I notice people look at me, some in a strange way. Maybe i am thinking too much into it, but at time i would go to the toilet and check to see if there is something wrong with me, like something on my face or whatever not. Sure hope its not a bad thing. Then again, those people might be thinking the same way I am, if i don't look at them, I won't know they are looking at me in the first place. So can be myself ba...
Today, think i will call it a day earlier, should be heading to the gym and clear some chores. Don't want to return home to late today, been sleeping pretty late, so if possible I will try to turn in early. Getting really restless lately, not sure y. Am I not resting my body enough? but I don't want my body to go back into "laze" mode, the last time it did, i gain 4 kgs. What more, now that the festive season is around the corner, no time to be slacking off man. For the Xmas dinner, logcakes and all.... Work hard now... Bitter sweet...
Alright, better get back to work already.... fast fast do, fast fast finish, fast fast go!!! heez
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Its a midweek!
Yesterday afternoon was crappy, but in the evening was pretty alright. Left office a little earlier than usual, was really not in the mood to work, so ended up doing a little window shopping in town. Went out to scout for my outfit for Xmas outing with my section, and there is quite a number of potential "to buys" already. After that head down for Muay thai lesson, as I was there early, I started off with 9 mins of skipping (3 mins intervals with 20 push ups after each intervals) before doing some light kicking with alvins. Then was punch warm ups, ended that before it started to rain and we had to change to the carpark for training. I find its not to bad training in the carpark, the floor might be abit rough on certain areas, but apart from that everything else is not too bad. After training, during the showers, Alvin was asking if I am considering of going competitive. He hope to see me in competition next year. I wasn't really keen initally, but the stagnent practices we've been having seems to have taken a little effect on me. Not that its no fun anymore, its just that there is really no way to push myself further I suppose. Still in the stage of considering thou...
Today, can really feel the ache in the thigh area when I woke up, probably because of the squats during muay thai and also some that i had done the day before in the gym. Must be neglecting my legs to have such an ache I suppose. Hopefully it will wear off before my Sunday 4-80 Challenge. Yes I am taking part in the 4-80 Challenge, a 4 km run followed by a 26? 27 storey climb. The run didn't interest me, but what did was the climb. Something i have never tried before so think it will be fun. Not sure about plans after work today, might meet up with Sherine to get the brows done. Definately no late return home i suppose, been home at 11ish for 2 days, kinda tired as I only can retire to bed at about 1 in the morning after my shower.
Alright lah, its midweek, 2 more days to the weekends... looking forward to it! for now its back to work... take care people!
Today, can really feel the ache in the thigh area when I woke up, probably because of the squats during muay thai and also some that i had done the day before in the gym. Must be neglecting my legs to have such an ache I suppose. Hopefully it will wear off before my Sunday 4-80 Challenge. Yes I am taking part in the 4-80 Challenge, a 4 km run followed by a 26? 27 storey climb. The run didn't interest me, but what did was the climb. Something i have never tried before so think it will be fun. Not sure about plans after work today, might meet up with Sherine to get the brows done. Definately no late return home i suppose, been home at 11ish for 2 days, kinda tired as I only can retire to bed at about 1 in the morning after my shower.
Alright lah, its midweek, 2 more days to the weekends... looking forward to it! for now its back to work... take care people!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Another day goes by...
Today is only Tuesday, the week is indeed passing by pretty slowly. Not that there is anything to look forward to over the weekend now that the race is over. But nevertheless, weekends are always better. hehez.
Yesterday, was suppose to leave office early, but work came last minute and send me into OT again, only managed to go to the gym at about 7 in the evening. Was asked to meet up for a little drink with Jayson and gang, and I actually turned it down. Partly because drinking at the start of the week is not my forte. But forsaking frens for gym, OMG what are you turning into Ryan? Was really feeling off-formed yesterday, and i knew gym is the only thing that can get my engine going. So stayed there till 9ish, and went home for dinner. Nothing beats good food after a tiring day, and what better food then home cooking.
Today, guess I will leave early i suppose, go walk around town, before heading down for class this evening. Its not as tough as i expected, but sure hell alot of fun lah. Haiz one more week... wat am i to do? i guess i will just stay low profile and let it pass ba. Everything seems pretty meaningless this year. I am not sure whats causing this, maybe being free from army is not a good thing afterall. All working class have that moment (that "sian have to work again" when the weekend or PH is ending) , as for me I don't, guess thats really boring me out. I guess its only human nature, when u work, you look forward to retire, and when u retire, u feel weird to stop working and yearns working... haha...
Alright back to work now... hopefully tml will be better ba!!!
Yesterday, was suppose to leave office early, but work came last minute and send me into OT again, only managed to go to the gym at about 7 in the evening. Was asked to meet up for a little drink with Jayson and gang, and I actually turned it down. Partly because drinking at the start of the week is not my forte. But forsaking frens for gym, OMG what are you turning into Ryan? Was really feeling off-formed yesterday, and i knew gym is the only thing that can get my engine going. So stayed there till 9ish, and went home for dinner. Nothing beats good food after a tiring day, and what better food then home cooking.
Today, guess I will leave early i suppose, go walk around town, before heading down for class this evening. Its not as tough as i expected, but sure hell alot of fun lah. Haiz one more week... wat am i to do? i guess i will just stay low profile and let it pass ba. Everything seems pretty meaningless this year. I am not sure whats causing this, maybe being free from army is not a good thing afterall. All working class have that moment (that "sian have to work again" when the weekend or PH is ending) , as for me I don't, guess thats really boring me out. I guess its only human nature, when u work, you look forward to retire, and when u retire, u feel weird to stop working and yearns working... haha...
Alright back to work now... hopefully tml will be better ba!!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Whine, Whining, Whined
Its been a pretty cool weekend for me, but if this carries on, i guess all the hardwork i put in for Hellweek will all go to waste. Have kinda lost my footing after the race, there is nothing ahead to motivate me to carry on... or I guess the devil within my is making me think this way so I can slack... Argh... I can't, not when the festive season is so nearby.
Been whining alot lately, be it about money, health, life in generally. Guess its that time of the year again, as you age, there is more to think about, and for me, I usually can bottom up how i feel pretty well in the past, but not this year apparently. I start to whine about everything and anything... I do sincerely apologise to those that I have whined at, and for being a total jackass thinking that i should make my problem your problem. When i start whining again next time, please remind me in whatever way you can think off k... Dreadful dreadful dreadful...
Let me talk about my weekend now then... Saturday was the first training after the race, so was kinda suprise to see so many people turned up, including some new people. Guess I was still pretty much in the mood of racing, so was really not used to the slow pace we were going. And the fact that I have a couple of new people infront of me, didn't really bothered me, until they start to get out of timing and all.... Guess quite alot of people sense that i was annoyed, must have made it that obvious. Had a little "friendly" race in the end, which we lost at the charge... and i finally get to feel what Yong say by the boat "dying off". Whats worse, I actually said out loud what i was feeling at that time... I said "I HATE LOSING", which i mean but not really meant out loud... Raena i suppose felt my "heat" pat me on my back and ask me to relax, thats when I realise i have actually said that out loud... Back on the beach, had a few beers, with the gang, was thinking of meeting up with Sherine and gang for a little shopping, but became reluctant after spending too much time on the beach. End up showering at Spencer's workplace, before heading down to Fluid to meet the rest of the gang for Vanessa, Ian, and the other lady's farewell party. Was fun, hang out till about 2ish, and while some continued at Attica, I made my way home...
Yesterday, met up with Sherine and Zhongxi for movie "Casino Royale". Not too bad, a 2 1/2hr movie. After that, Zhong Xi had other plans and have to leave, so me and Sherine went shopping at MS instead (as Sherine claimed she was sick of town). Saw quite abit of interesting things, Buffalo was on end season sale, but honestly their stuff was not fantastic. After that, we proceed on to suntec but nothing special as well.. Sherine didn't go home empty handed thou, got herself a top from nike which is pretty cute... A jacket from adidas caught my eye, look like a biker dude in it... and i tink it will look pretty good in formal wear also... haha *tempted* Had dinner at Kenny Rogers, not too bad i must say... There is where i started whining to Sherine i suppose... haha i guess things just got so stagnent in life that yah, its boring... okok before i start again, Erm, that pretty much conclude my evening and weekend. 2 more weeks, or week plus... think nothing is gonna happen afterall... haha its going to be a quiet even I suppose...
Alrighty den... thats all for today, going back to my work liao... hehez... tataz...
Been whining alot lately, be it about money, health, life in generally. Guess its that time of the year again, as you age, there is more to think about, and for me, I usually can bottom up how i feel pretty well in the past, but not this year apparently. I start to whine about everything and anything... I do sincerely apologise to those that I have whined at, and for being a total jackass thinking that i should make my problem your problem. When i start whining again next time, please remind me in whatever way you can think off k... Dreadful dreadful dreadful...
Let me talk about my weekend now then... Saturday was the first training after the race, so was kinda suprise to see so many people turned up, including some new people. Guess I was still pretty much in the mood of racing, so was really not used to the slow pace we were going. And the fact that I have a couple of new people infront of me, didn't really bothered me, until they start to get out of timing and all.... Guess quite alot of people sense that i was annoyed, must have made it that obvious. Had a little "friendly" race in the end, which we lost at the charge... and i finally get to feel what Yong say by the boat "dying off". Whats worse, I actually said out loud what i was feeling at that time... I said "I HATE LOSING", which i mean but not really meant out loud... Raena i suppose felt my "heat" pat me on my back and ask me to relax, thats when I realise i have actually said that out loud... Back on the beach, had a few beers, with the gang, was thinking of meeting up with Sherine and gang for a little shopping, but became reluctant after spending too much time on the beach. End up showering at Spencer's workplace, before heading down to Fluid to meet the rest of the gang for Vanessa, Ian, and the other lady's farewell party. Was fun, hang out till about 2ish, and while some continued at Attica, I made my way home...
Yesterday, met up with Sherine and Zhongxi for movie "Casino Royale". Not too bad, a 2 1/2hr movie. After that, Zhong Xi had other plans and have to leave, so me and Sherine went shopping at MS instead (as Sherine claimed she was sick of town). Saw quite abit of interesting things, Buffalo was on end season sale, but honestly their stuff was not fantastic. After that, we proceed on to suntec but nothing special as well.. Sherine didn't go home empty handed thou, got herself a top from nike which is pretty cute... A jacket from adidas caught my eye, look like a biker dude in it... and i tink it will look pretty good in formal wear also... haha *tempted* Had dinner at Kenny Rogers, not too bad i must say... There is where i started whining to Sherine i suppose... haha i guess things just got so stagnent in life that yah, its boring... okok before i start again, Erm, that pretty much conclude my evening and weekend. 2 more weeks, or week plus... think nothing is gonna happen afterall... haha its going to be a quiet even I suppose...
Alrighty den... thats all for today, going back to my work liao... hehez... tataz...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
My gold is one week old...

Yesterday was a busier than norm day, had to work OT for the first time in a long time... haha never at my current work thou, that was the first time. Was suppose to go chill with jac and gang at DXO, but had to put aeroplane due to work. Sorry gang. Today, was initally contemplating on whether to go for dragonboating, something very rare actually, because its been my top priority for the past month. Had pushed away or delayed appointment just to be there for training, and now there was doubt. But well, its not that I am slacking because gold is in hand, I am definately thirsty for more than one GOLD medal. Its just that I want to play in my school concert which is in january, and practice clashed with dragonboat training. So not that intensity have dropped from dragonboat, I thought i go back to my "root" and hobbies for awhile. for a change. However, was asked to help out with some new paddlers, which put me in this hot spot in between band and dragonboat. One part of me ask me to go for band prac, but the other part of me want to help these people, coz i sure know how much they wanted that medal, I was there before. So any good advise from anyone?
Later dropping by office to check out something for my boss, den will get from there to kallang, would try running there i suppose. Wayne did it before, dun see no reason I can't. just easy run I suppose. Alright then, for today, its dragaonboat, have somethings to pass to to Spencer, and the gang wanna discuss on the issues... so yeah...
Will be older in 2 weeks time... argh..... i hate myself, always so last min, haiz... no one to blame but myself!!! Cya people!!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Photos of Sinfonia! and Jac's Bday!
ean As i promised here are some photos, of all the mention events recently... hehez...
First up, laoshi, starting the concert of with an orchestra's piece "The Sound of Music" then was Mr. Han with a guest singer from health science helping out to sing the songs "I Will Survive" and "Hero".
More of laoshi in action and together with a solo violinist... Su Zheng if i didn't get her name wrongly... very superb performance by her...
Amelia is up next... making a debut conducting in a major concert, taking the piece "Rose Rose i love you" its pretty nice, its like a mixture of chinese and Xmas music... hehez, and a smile of relief from her when its all over.
Finally the orchestra and laoshi, reminded me of the WMC formation lah... haha memories...
First up, laoshi, starting the concert of with an orchestra's piece "The Sound of Music" then was Mr. Han with a guest singer from health science helping out to sing the songs "I Will Survive" and "Hero".
More of laoshi in action and together with a solo violinist... Su Zheng if i didn't get her name wrongly... very superb performance by her...
Finally the orchestra and laoshi, reminded me of the WMC formation lah... haha memories...
Unlucky Wednesday! Safe Thursday...
Today have been extra careful after what have happened yesterday. Its good to have a couple of day break, but spending have gone up like nobody's business man... haha guess its time to save again for the spending i forsee coming end of the year!
Now more about yesterday, what seemed to be a easy day out didn't really happened as planned. Had a late night out with Gary and Joani of my muay thai. Was out for a movie, watched "A Good Year". A fantastic film, loved it alot and made me love wine drinking even more. Got home abt 2 am, and went to bed at about 3am after everything is set and done (shower and all). Woked up 8.30 in the morning, as I am meeting Angelina for some suntanning, but when I looked out the window, the sun was not at all welcoming, taking leave or something, no where in site. But went off nevertheless. Got to sentosa, was welcome by a very cloudy and windy weather, ideal for sleeping, with the sun occasionally popping out, somewhat like a game of "peek-a-boo". "Cloud-tanned" for a few hours, and when sense rain, we decide to hit for the showers before it starts pouring. But after we are done showering, its started pouring. but still managed to make it to mainland pretty dry. Got to vivocity, met up with jac for "Step-up" the movie. would say it was ok, but the dance is pretty good.
After which, had dinner at sushi tae, good food i must say, fresh items, and very well presented. When dinner is done, its window shopping, my favorite, haha saw so many things that i would want to add to my "To Buy" list, but well given my budget this year... haha if there is any that is... well let just say the items will stay in that list for a little longer. All was well, till we stepped into Precious thoughts (or Moments? whatever it is). Angie was checking out some X'mas cards, and when i wanted to show her some by the counter, I heard a loud crash, and when i turned around, a frame was already on the floor. Was really in shocked as that was the first time i broken anything in the shop. Thank god the place wasn't crowded, imagine the scene it would have created. Was ask to pay half the sum for the item which i did since it was my fault, or should i say my bag's fault as it was the one the knocked over the frame.... Didn't really feel sore about it but would be a long time before i ever return to that shop again. At least the manager was very courteous about the situation, thats what prevented me from causing a scene i suppose. After that was more walking around.. and that pretty much ends the evening, showed mum the stuff i broked and found out its kind of a gift to someone that have a death in the family. haha SUAY right... haha
Today, met up with Azre in town, for him to unload all the hot gossips he have been storing within him... haha, he is my only connection back to the band man... and i suppose i missed a performance of a lifetime for COG (*dame), walked around town, saw a couple of sweater that I think was really nice. haha more items on my "to Buy" list. Paragon is already into the Xmas mood in full swing, and they are currently having a charity programme going to send present to kids of Cambodia, so yah, all the big hearted pple, time to share yah... hehez *winkz.... After that came home already, as he got class to attend and I have no business left in town, more looking means more things to be added into my list. hehez...
And that kinda concluded my 2 days, one suay, and one just boring and normal lor... haha, tml is the weekends again... will be meeting up with friends so should be a good evening... hehez, currently unsure if I am playing for concert as dragonboat just got some new twist... haha seems like its happening... but well shall just see how things goes... Alright den... tata....
Now more about yesterday, what seemed to be a easy day out didn't really happened as planned. Had a late night out with Gary and Joani of my muay thai. Was out for a movie, watched "A Good Year". A fantastic film, loved it alot and made me love wine drinking even more. Got home abt 2 am, and went to bed at about 3am after everything is set and done (shower and all). Woked up 8.30 in the morning, as I am meeting Angelina for some suntanning, but when I looked out the window, the sun was not at all welcoming, taking leave or something, no where in site. But went off nevertheless. Got to sentosa, was welcome by a very cloudy and windy weather, ideal for sleeping, with the sun occasionally popping out, somewhat like a game of "peek-a-boo". "Cloud-tanned" for a few hours, and when sense rain, we decide to hit for the showers before it starts pouring. But after we are done showering, its started pouring. but still managed to make it to mainland pretty dry. Got to vivocity, met up with jac for "Step-up" the movie. would say it was ok, but the dance is pretty good.
After which, had dinner at sushi tae, good food i must say, fresh items, and very well presented. When dinner is done, its window shopping, my favorite, haha saw so many things that i would want to add to my "To Buy" list, but well given my budget this year... haha if there is any that is... well let just say the items will stay in that list for a little longer. All was well, till we stepped into Precious thoughts (or Moments? whatever it is). Angie was checking out some X'mas cards, and when i wanted to show her some by the counter, I heard a loud crash, and when i turned around, a frame was already on the floor. Was really in shocked as that was the first time i broken anything in the shop. Thank god the place wasn't crowded, imagine the scene it would have created. Was ask to pay half the sum for the item which i did since it was my fault, or should i say my bag's fault as it was the one the knocked over the frame.... Didn't really feel sore about it but would be a long time before i ever return to that shop again. At least the manager was very courteous about the situation, thats what prevented me from causing a scene i suppose. After that was more walking around.. and that pretty much ends the evening, showed mum the stuff i broked and found out its kind of a gift to someone that have a death in the family. haha SUAY right... haha
Today, met up with Azre in town, for him to unload all the hot gossips he have been storing within him... haha, he is my only connection back to the band man... and i suppose i missed a performance of a lifetime for COG (*dame), walked around town, saw a couple of sweater that I think was really nice. haha more items on my "to Buy" list. Paragon is already into the Xmas mood in full swing, and they are currently having a charity programme going to send present to kids of Cambodia, so yah, all the big hearted pple, time to share yah... hehez *winkz.... After that came home already, as he got class to attend and I have no business left in town, more looking means more things to be added into my list. hehez...
And that kinda concluded my 2 days, one suay, and one just boring and normal lor... haha, tml is the weekends again... will be meeting up with friends so should be a good evening... hehez, currently unsure if I am playing for concert as dragonboat just got some new twist... haha seems like its happening... but well shall just see how things goes... Alright den... tata....
Monday, November 13, 2006

After months of preparation for last weekend's race, aka River Regetta, the biggest event to end of the season for the year... All the effort have paid off with the colour got the medal we got. GOLD!!! yes... we won first place in the "International Mixed (20 Crew)" category. To add icing to the cake, we walked away with a sliver for and "Open Mixed" category, something the team have never expect to get... but we did it... here is a little bit of how my weekend was like.
Friday, didn't had to work, so went to did some last mintue preparation for the race in the gym, basically not letting my muscle slack off before the race, but also didn't tire them out. Just getting them pumped. Afterwhich, head home, rest awhile before meeting up with Sherine to catch Sinfonia back at NYP. On the way home, decided to get roses for the flautist, since they have give me some last year, hehez... thought i show them support as well. Lucky we got there earlier, coz if we were there later, there won't be seats for us and we will have to sit by the stairways. horrible thing to do. They had more then a full house audience, I guess plainly due to the fact that the concert is free. Being typical Singaporean, anything that is free is good i suppose. But done be mistaken, its not that the band is not good. they perfrom relative well. With inside info in the situation of the band, i wasn't pinning to high hope, on the performance, but surprisingly they did better then I expected. All that action that night, made me missed band alot. Something that i have been doing for the past decade or so... will really be a pity to really let it go... Might be playing for an alumini concert in Jan, but still considering, coz I might have to stop dragonboat for awhile. But if I am, please support K!!! heez....
After the concert, didn't really get much time to hang around as Sherine was rushing off, I didn't wanna stay too late neither as I have to be at the race early next morning. Saw alot of familiar faces at the concert thou. People like Teo Hui, Cheryl, and some old timers like Zaidi, Thomas and all. Its always great to meet friends, especially those that I haven't contact for awhile. Got home, got my stuff ready for the race, ate some pasta prepared for the race while watching ghost whisperer, before heading to bed. Not a good idea to load carb so late, it kept me awake the entire night, really felt like i did not sleep at all.
Saturday, got up at 6am, amazingly, without much sleep, I was still geared and hyped. I guess the race is my fuel. Got a ride from Angelia's bro to race site. After we got of the car, morning air was so good that it made me all refreshed. We got there rather early we waited at our area for awhile before John arrived with all the stuff. Help unload and set up the tent, while people started coming slowly. By the time most people got here, the place was already pretty packed with paddlers from other teams. Our first event was the Mixed race, which I was kinda suprised I was left out on. So i actually had the entire morning free as my first race is the Mens opens which is about 1 plus. But I didn't sit around doing nothing neither, took out my camera and started snapping around. Spent most of the time taking candid pictures and all. Soon it was my turn for the Men's Open. Guess the nerves got the better of us and there was just too many hiccups in the boat. In the end we lost out in that. That kinda dampen my spirit a little, and what made matters worse was its started pouring really heavily making it very cold and the race have to put on hold due to lighting. Its was at least an hour later before they commence the race, and yes it was still pouring, but as there wasn't any lighting and we were very behind schedule that we have to race in the rain. Then it was the biggest heats of the day, Expat race. Unfortunately boat our A and B boat have been chosen to race in the same race and we are up against the Germans and Japanese. What seems like an easy race for both boats was not as it seems, apparently only our A boat made first and German came in second while our B boat made third. meaning they were knocked out. With that it pretty much round up day one. Had to rush off to Jac birthday celebration. Met up with Sherine at Newton before taking a cab there, was really lucky I heed Sherine advise about the cab thingy coz its a very remote place and a long walk by bus into the campus itself. But overall its a nice place, and everyone looked superb, especially the host, she was like a princess. Joined the gang that was already there, had a little red wine (ok a little more then a little. heez) and after that the gang went Dbl O to continue the party while I head home for i had race the next day.
Sunday, final day of race, reached there at about 9 am, and was waiting all the way, my race was in again in the afternoon. So was more photos again...hehez... We only qualified for 2 races out of the 9 event we participated in (*disheartening), 1 the Expat Finals, and the Mixed Open Semis (which we eventually made to the finals by coming in first in that event.) Then, it was my event, the Expat Finals. We were up against 2 Canadian boats, the Germans, and Kowloon. Everyone was really focus, and could practically see flames of passion and determination coming out from all the paddlers... As we all prepared and burst out of the starting line, there was practially nothing going through my mind but GOLD! and when we past the finishing line, the expression on Yong's face was priceless. Its like he just won lotto or something. Managed to catch a glimps to the Canadians boat as we past the finishing line, and we indeed won by a commanding distance, its at least a dragon head distance. After that was cheers, and tears for some as we got the annoucment of confirmation. Its was then another while wait before the next race and the morale of the team have indeed been boosted alot by that win. When we got out for the Mixed finals, everyone got back the focus, and we almost got gold for that too... We lost to Singapore Canoe Club by 0.28 of a second. But we are just as contented with a Sliver as its the first Austchamp have every got from an Open event. That means our teams standard is going up, a very positive sign. That pretty much concluded River Regetta 2006, prize presentation was really fun this year and if there is an award for best sports team, i am sure we will get it, coz we cheered for every teams that went up to collect their prize. We were so loud that, when its finally out turn to get our awards, the emcee had to calm us down before annoucing our team. It was dame fun lah...
When everything is settled, we went over to John's place for a get together and prize presentation. It was alot of fun and i must say, the best weekend in ages... First medal of my life and GOLD it is... Still think we could have had a shot at the Men's Open if not for all that hiccups thou... but well, that means more training, coz no point saying it now that is over... looking forward to more MEDALS next year! Cheers everyone!!!
ps. shall share photos of all the mention event on another entry...
Thursday, November 09, 2006
A Step Closer...
Its a thursday, a day closer to the BIG day, i can already taste my medal... i worked too hard to give up now... so I am going with no regrets and no tommorrow...
Its freezing here in the office, my endurance to cold have definately grown weaker compared to my yesteryears. Maybe its due to the loss of my natural insulators (AKA FATS...heehz) . To make things worse, its pouring outside now... making its worse to bear. Thank god I am in long sleeve, if not it would be much worse. Will recap abit on yesterday.
After work, met up with Sherine to go back together since we are on the same way back and taking the same train. Time can really play tricks on people i suppose, after not having met her for awhile, there was this odd feel the rushed up within me when we first met. Its like the feeling of stranger. haha really really weird, but it disappeared soon after. Got home, tummy was grumbling, so had dinner as soon as I got changed. Haven't had home cooked food for awhile, and for the fact that I was really hungry, I had extra serving of rice, something i haven't done for a long time. Ever since i went on a diet, i have always controlled my carb intake, sometimes not even finishing the rice on my plate. So after that filling meal, i knew i had to workout to lose some of the carbs. Went for a long long run and did some stretching after, took an hour to complete the entire journey. When I got home, I got unusually thirsty, and started downing alot of water. Guess i might have dehydrated without even realising it.
Today, back at work, hehez, got more interesting stuff to do... thou doesn't reallly require much thinking, but need the artistic touch to things as it deals with pictures. Got an email for the weekends schedules, have to be there pretty early... so i hafta plan my day tml really well, stuff to bring, food to prepare, etc. For those that have no idea what I am talking about, its the River Reggetta, the end season race for dragonboat, and one of the biggest events of the year. so if you are free, pop by to take a look k, thrilling action guarenteed.
After work, should be meeting up with Sherine again, for dinner before returning home i suppose...Tml off, hehez, applied for it, really need the time to prepare for it....
Its freezing here in the office, my endurance to cold have definately grown weaker compared to my yesteryears. Maybe its due to the loss of my natural insulators (AKA FATS...heehz) . To make things worse, its pouring outside now... making its worse to bear. Thank god I am in long sleeve, if not it would be much worse. Will recap abit on yesterday.
After work, met up with Sherine to go back together since we are on the same way back and taking the same train. Time can really play tricks on people i suppose, after not having met her for awhile, there was this odd feel the rushed up within me when we first met. Its like the feeling of stranger. haha really really weird, but it disappeared soon after. Got home, tummy was grumbling, so had dinner as soon as I got changed. Haven't had home cooked food for awhile, and for the fact that I was really hungry, I had extra serving of rice, something i haven't done for a long time. Ever since i went on a diet, i have always controlled my carb intake, sometimes not even finishing the rice on my plate. So after that filling meal, i knew i had to workout to lose some of the carbs. Went for a long long run and did some stretching after, took an hour to complete the entire journey. When I got home, I got unusually thirsty, and started downing alot of water. Guess i might have dehydrated without even realising it.
Today, back at work, hehez, got more interesting stuff to do... thou doesn't reallly require much thinking, but need the artistic touch to things as it deals with pictures. Got an email for the weekends schedules, have to be there pretty early... so i hafta plan my day tml really well, stuff to bring, food to prepare, etc. For those that have no idea what I am talking about, its the River Reggetta, the end season race for dragonboat, and one of the biggest events of the year. so if you are free, pop by to take a look k, thrilling action guarenteed.
After work, should be meeting up with Sherine again, for dinner before returning home i suppose...Tml off, hehez, applied for it, really need the time to prepare for it....
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Yay!!! Work at last, haha... guess all that hard work slacking have got me abit crazy... Its not easy to slack... trust me. But hey, enough on that, I am working now, thou its still work that dun require brains, at least there is something to keep me occupied.
Yesterday, slacked the entire off, and was all geared up for Muay thai. One part of me is rearing to give it my all, but another part of me is asking me to hold back, as the race is so near, you won't want to overwork. But training yesterday was no challenge at all, did break into sweat, but didn't feel drained. Think is because I was paired with Martina, this Aussie lady that just joined us not too long ago. Had to control my strenght on kicks and punches as she is a ger, alot tougher as the control really worked my muscles. She was not really in the mood of doing things, guess its because of a rough day at work, so i did most of the practise as she took a break after a few trys. Learned a new kick yesterday (as least for me it was new). Was fun lah i must say. A little boy joined us for class yesterday, aged 10 if i am not mistaken, very good man.. i was in awed when he did pad work with Alvin, but according to the rest he have been training for a year... so thats explains his strength and technic for a kid, lots of work to go Ryan, to reach that level... Alvin was teaching him the traditional dance muay thai warriors do before a match, in respect of all teachers and muay thai masters of the past, supposedly doing it for a match coming soon, its dame cool can! haha. After training, joined Joani for dinner, very strong girl she is, tomboy yet dun lose her feminie side, fun hanging out with her, had a great chat with her on the MRT back and all.
Today, as i said, finally needed at my workplace... haha thou its not much of a difference then rotting at home, at least there is a source of income lah... so thats something to look forward to... should be staying till evening, and likely meeting up with Sherine to go back together... since she work so close by. Alright den, back to work... Cheers!
Yesterday, slacked the entire off, and was all geared up for Muay thai. One part of me is rearing to give it my all, but another part of me is asking me to hold back, as the race is so near, you won't want to overwork. But training yesterday was no challenge at all, did break into sweat, but didn't feel drained. Think is because I was paired with Martina, this Aussie lady that just joined us not too long ago. Had to control my strenght on kicks and punches as she is a ger, alot tougher as the control really worked my muscles. She was not really in the mood of doing things, guess its because of a rough day at work, so i did most of the practise as she took a break after a few trys. Learned a new kick yesterday (as least for me it was new). Was fun lah i must say. A little boy joined us for class yesterday, aged 10 if i am not mistaken, very good man.. i was in awed when he did pad work with Alvin, but according to the rest he have been training for a year... so thats explains his strength and technic for a kid, lots of work to go Ryan, to reach that level... Alvin was teaching him the traditional dance muay thai warriors do before a match, in respect of all teachers and muay thai masters of the past, supposedly doing it for a match coming soon, its dame cool can! haha. After training, joined Joani for dinner, very strong girl she is, tomboy yet dun lose her feminie side, fun hanging out with her, had a great chat with her on the MRT back and all.
Today, as i said, finally needed at my workplace... haha thou its not much of a difference then rotting at home, at least there is a source of income lah... so thats something to look forward to... should be staying till evening, and likely meeting up with Sherine to go back together... since she work so close by. Alright den, back to work... Cheers!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
A new start....
Realised I have been using that old skin for awhile, so tot I changed it, since I am having all the time in the world... haha yes no work again today (haiz...) Despite doing only light weights at the gym yesterday, I can feel the sore coming from the muscle group that I worked on, which is a good thing, but then again, i dun wan to overworked it as the race is only 3 more days away (excluding today). Guess the rest of the week its gonna be plenty of stretching and light conditioning. Not really used to carb loading thou, been having abit more then my regular amt of carb lately and I will feel really bloated and full, dun like that feeling. Reminds me of my olden days, when i used to stuffed myself. Think I will stick to my protein loading, since it has not failed me yet.
Tonight got Muay Thai! can't wait... really really fun stuff. Current moment, apart from changing my blogskin, was doing some reading up on health tips for competition conditioning. As a matter of fact, I did sent out an article to Wayne on mental preparation, hopefully it will be useful. In case you dun get the mail, i will post the article here as well.
Your brain tries to shut down your workout because it thinks you might hurt yourself. It doesn't know that you want to push your body to get bigger and stronger and faster. Jim Fannin, a sports-performance consultant whho has helped, among others, Alex Rodriguez, suggests the mind tricks here.
First of all, Fannin says, when you're working out, don't think about other things - like where to go for dinner afterward. "Stay engaged in the moment or you'll stop before you're finished," he says.
Forget about what lies ahead in your workout or game and what's already taken place. "Every athlete I coach uses this mantra: I have no future. I have no past. My goal is to make the present last. I am in the now. That is a warrior mantra," says Fannin.
Literally, that is. Keeping you head elevated helps you stay in positive frame of mind.
You can't be in the zone unless your jaw's unhinged. (Think Jordan's tongue waggle.) If you watch A-Rod at the plate, he looks as if he's yawning, but he's actually relaxing his jaw. Fannin says. "The biggest problem with most weenend warriors, and pros, is that they don't breathe normally. You can tell by looking at their jaws," he says. When your jaw is tense, it can transfer tension to your hands and change your grip on a baseball bat, glof club, or tennis racket. (in our case, our paddle).
Sounds like something your Little League coach would say, but enjoying the challenge and competition can help you perform. "Champions look at the adversity as an oppotunity," says Fannin. Deep down, they enjoy it - and so should you.
Heez.. guess thats all for now and today.... will blog again very soon I predict... hehez.. Have a nice day!
Tonight got Muay Thai! can't wait... really really fun stuff. Current moment, apart from changing my blogskin, was doing some reading up on health tips for competition conditioning. As a matter of fact, I did sent out an article to Wayne on mental preparation, hopefully it will be useful. In case you dun get the mail, i will post the article here as well.
Your brain tries to shut down your workout because it thinks you might hurt yourself. It doesn't know that you want to push your body to get bigger and stronger and faster. Jim Fannin, a sports-performance consultant whho has helped, among others, Alex Rodriguez, suggests the mind tricks here.
First of all, Fannin says, when you're working out, don't think about other things - like where to go for dinner afterward. "Stay engaged in the moment or you'll stop before you're finished," he says.
Forget about what lies ahead in your workout or game and what's already taken place. "Every athlete I coach uses this mantra: I have no future. I have no past. My goal is to make the present last. I am in the now. That is a warrior mantra," says Fannin.
Literally, that is. Keeping you head elevated helps you stay in positive frame of mind.
You can't be in the zone unless your jaw's unhinged. (Think Jordan's tongue waggle.) If you watch A-Rod at the plate, he looks as if he's yawning, but he's actually relaxing his jaw. Fannin says. "The biggest problem with most weenend warriors, and pros, is that they don't breathe normally. You can tell by looking at their jaws," he says. When your jaw is tense, it can transfer tension to your hands and change your grip on a baseball bat, glof club, or tennis racket. (in our case, our paddle).
Sounds like something your Little League coach would say, but enjoying the challenge and competition can help you perform. "Champions look at the adversity as an oppotunity," says Fannin. Deep down, they enjoy it - and so should you.
Heez.. guess thats all for now and today.... will blog again very soon I predict... hehez.. Have a nice day!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Monday Bordem!!!
Argh!!! boring boring day... I know everyone else that is working must be thinking "Why is this Ryan complaining when he get to do nothing all day?" But its no joke, slacking is a very very, very tough job. Staring into space for hours, rot around, do nothing but slack, and worse, NO INCOME!!! haiz... got up pretty early today, coz wasn't informed if i am needed in the office, but later recieve news that i didn't need to, was kinda disappointed... So spent the day rotting infront of my TV and my Com.
Was having a conversations online with friends, and I guess all that rotting have caused me to be a little irritated, so if i was a complete jerk when talking to you guys just now... please forgive me... really didn't mean it... was forced into it by bordem. Then after it stopped raining, i decide to hit the gym (my 2nd home) to pump some metal and vent some bordem on the weight before i really turn into a jerk online.
Gym training really did me plenty of help, it made time pass faster, get me all drained and tried, and i simply loved it... Now looking for food to eat. and that's pretty much the start of my week. pathetic arh? haha, I tink so too myself, time to source out again i suppose... BORED BORED BORED... hopefully tml is a better day!!!
Was having a conversations online with friends, and I guess all that rotting have caused me to be a little irritated, so if i was a complete jerk when talking to you guys just now... please forgive me... really didn't mean it... was forced into it by bordem. Then after it stopped raining, i decide to hit the gym (my 2nd home) to pump some metal and vent some bordem on the weight before i really turn into a jerk online.
Gym training really did me plenty of help, it made time pass faster, get me all drained and tried, and i simply loved it... Now looking for food to eat. and that's pretty much the start of my week. pathetic arh? haha, I tink so too myself, time to source out again i suppose... BORED BORED BORED... hopefully tml is a better day!!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Full Steam Ahead!!!
One moment, i was blogging and weekend finally here and its last training before next week's race, the next i am already sitting here, with hardy a quarter of a weekend left. Time really flies when you are enjoying yourself.
This 2 days have been pretty well spent, thou there is training, on both days, but enjoyed the weekend to the max man. Yesterday after training, was out with Jays and Yi Xin for a little drink over and Jay's fren, Bryan's corporate function down at club street. But as the ambience was not fantastic, we left shortly after and ended up at Party World Shenton Way instead. The place was a classic PCK creation man.Marbles everywhere, and in partitions, there are these 'roman pillars' and on the 'pillars' are bowls of frosted plastic fruits. Its dame classic man, they even bothered to add the frosting. Me and Yi Xin were awed by the deco, all the place needed was PR waitress and the stage would have been set man. Thou its was a really short time we spent there (kinda left early as we had training this morning), but i sure did enjoy myself. maybe for the fact that i have not been KTVing for awhile, but singing to a different crowd still kind on scares me. Both Jays and Yi Xin are wonderful singer. Jays even did a very real impersonation of Fei Yu Qing (with the action and all) and let me tell you, it was bloody brillant lah...Anyway, its kinda suprising that we could actually hang out pretty well. Haha guess its been me being all oversensitive all this while. Had a good chat with Jays on the way back, and actually found out how they thought about me, which made me feel more at ease.
This morning, almost didn't make it to beefcake on time, guess i spent too much time at home. But the session today was pretty alright, we did the indoor stadium routine, and i guess the hell week really got my stamina up, coz i still feel pumped after the session. Water training was fun today, not because i have been in the winning boat, its just that i can for once felt the old team back again, back when i was racing the last time, everyone really focused and we were unstoppable. After training, was off for lunch at a german place up in upper east coat, and we had alot of meat... I had a chicken burger, but we shared sauages and some other stuff. and was really really filling. Haven't felt full in a long time (haha nowadays, i usually eat till i am not hungry and seldom till i am stuffed). Then caught a bus back after hitching a ride to Kambangan MRT from Yi Xin and Bro. My instinct tells me something is going on btw Raena and Chiong Kee, but well if they wanna keep it a secret, i am sure there is a reason y. Its been fun today, thou i can tell Nic didn't really enjoyed himself, can tell he is still very heart broken by the fact he broked up with his gf. Who wouldn't? But i just hope it will not affect his performance next week in the race, every member counts.
Well, i suppose thats all for this weekend, guess i will go prepare my week ahead. Will be keeping my routines in the gym light and focus more on fun to burn those excess weight off and stuff. other then that, i guess my week will pretty much be smooth sailing (i hope) hehez... enjoy whatever is left of the weekend then... cheers matey!
This 2 days have been pretty well spent, thou there is training, on both days, but enjoyed the weekend to the max man. Yesterday after training, was out with Jays and Yi Xin for a little drink over and Jay's fren, Bryan's corporate function down at club street. But as the ambience was not fantastic, we left shortly after and ended up at Party World Shenton Way instead. The place was a classic PCK creation man.Marbles everywhere, and in partitions, there are these 'roman pillars' and on the 'pillars' are bowls of frosted plastic fruits. Its dame classic man, they even bothered to add the frosting. Me and Yi Xin were awed by the deco, all the place needed was PR waitress and the stage would have been set man. Thou its was a really short time we spent there (kinda left early as we had training this morning), but i sure did enjoy myself. maybe for the fact that i have not been KTVing for awhile, but singing to a different crowd still kind on scares me. Both Jays and Yi Xin are wonderful singer. Jays even did a very real impersonation of Fei Yu Qing (with the action and all) and let me tell you, it was bloody brillant lah...Anyway, its kinda suprising that we could actually hang out pretty well. Haha guess its been me being all oversensitive all this while. Had a good chat with Jays on the way back, and actually found out how they thought about me, which made me feel more at ease.
This morning, almost didn't make it to beefcake on time, guess i spent too much time at home. But the session today was pretty alright, we did the indoor stadium routine, and i guess the hell week really got my stamina up, coz i still feel pumped after the session. Water training was fun today, not because i have been in the winning boat, its just that i can for once felt the old team back again, back when i was racing the last time, everyone really focused and we were unstoppable. After training, was off for lunch at a german place up in upper east coat, and we had alot of meat... I had a chicken burger, but we shared sauages and some other stuff. and was really really filling. Haven't felt full in a long time (haha nowadays, i usually eat till i am not hungry and seldom till i am stuffed). Then caught a bus back after hitching a ride to Kambangan MRT from Yi Xin and Bro. My instinct tells me something is going on btw Raena and Chiong Kee, but well if they wanna keep it a secret, i am sure there is a reason y. Its been fun today, thou i can tell Nic didn't really enjoyed himself, can tell he is still very heart broken by the fact he broked up with his gf. Who wouldn't? But i just hope it will not affect his performance next week in the race, every member counts.
Well, i suppose thats all for this weekend, guess i will go prepare my week ahead. Will be keeping my routines in the gym light and focus more on fun to burn those excess weight off and stuff. other then that, i guess my week will pretty much be smooth sailing (i hope) hehez... enjoy whatever is left of the weekend then... cheers matey!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Dragonboat! 1 week and counting!
Its the weekends again, and for my case its training, training and more training! haha its not that i don't like it, looking forward to it nevertheless... But as the weeks gone by, everyone gets more hyped up for the race, for me, i just feel so worn out... Am i giving up at the very last min? i wonder at times... will i be able to perform the way i wish? with no regrets after every race. I don't want to be a let down to the team, and i really want that gold around my neck.
Everyone that reads my blog must be sick and tired of my day to day life, as its surrounds around nothing but workouts, honestly, i am pretty tired of it myself. Its been nothing but Hell Week, or Muay Thai, or Dragonboat. If not it will be new injuries or old ones giving problem, and they are still related to sports and all. Where have all my social life gone to? Am i overly sport savvy and turning to a lunatic?
Well, i guess all this will simmer down after the race, not that i am gonna stop completely from all sports (coz that would probably kill me), but just going to take things down a knob, and focus more on strenghtening that shoulder of mine, and working on light endurance run (meaning long distance and slow paced). The only intensive sport for me after would be just muay thai, which i absolutely fell in love with at the moment. Apart from that, I should be making a comeback to the music scene, if NYP allows that is, I will help perform for a concert in January at the VCH (Victoria Concert Hall). Music have been part and parcel of my life (at least for a decade now) so it will be a pity to let it go just like that, thou i am sure there is lots of brushing up to do.
Oh well i guess that all there is for my blog today, not sure about my plans after training today thou? might just head home to rest, depending on the situation. Enjoy the weekends pple. Take care and Lots of Luv!
Everyone that reads my blog must be sick and tired of my day to day life, as its surrounds around nothing but workouts, honestly, i am pretty tired of it myself. Its been nothing but Hell Week, or Muay Thai, or Dragonboat. If not it will be new injuries or old ones giving problem, and they are still related to sports and all. Where have all my social life gone to? Am i overly sport savvy and turning to a lunatic?
Well, i guess all this will simmer down after the race, not that i am gonna stop completely from all sports (coz that would probably kill me), but just going to take things down a knob, and focus more on strenghtening that shoulder of mine, and working on light endurance run (meaning long distance and slow paced). The only intensive sport for me after would be just muay thai, which i absolutely fell in love with at the moment. Apart from that, I should be making a comeback to the music scene, if NYP allows that is, I will help perform for a concert in January at the VCH (Victoria Concert Hall). Music have been part and parcel of my life (at least for a decade now) so it will be a pity to let it go just like that, thou i am sure there is lots of brushing up to do.
Oh well i guess that all there is for my blog today, not sure about my plans after training today thou? might just head home to rest, depending on the situation. Enjoy the weekends pple. Take care and Lots of Luv!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Its a FRIDAY!!!
Its been a pretty sucky day yesterday, until pehaps in the evening. But well at least its now the weekend and its offically a week to the race... both excited and worry, Excited as i have really put in alot and got my fitness up, but worried coz all that hasn't come without a price, been pulling quite a number of muscles and also my shoulder isn't getting any better... Haiz!!!
Now to yesterday, was suppose to be at work at 10 but ended up 2 hours late, as i have something to settle. Luckly Cedric didn't mind, another day of simple data entires, it really bores me out at times... but no choice, still hafta do, a job is a job. Managed to tahan till 6pm before making a move and headed down to Wayne's place for some beefcake session. But waited till 720pm and there is still no sight of them and all of them seems unreachable, so i make my way home instead. Thx god angelina wanted to work out also, so i head home got change and ran to the park at gardens to meet her for a "mini hell week" session. It was more endurable as we took longer breaks in between. bt managed to sweat it out never the least. always feels good to have a good workout. After that, had a drink near a coffeeplace near angie's place, walked her home, and ran back. Go home at about 10.30, took a shower, rest awhile and off to bed. Thx Angie for that great workout session.
Today i forsee will be yet another boring day at work. but lucky the hours are gonna be shorter... so yeah hopefully time slipped past abit faster today. After that will be movie with Angie at VivoCity, at least thats what we got planned. if not we can always walk about if there isn't anything good showing. Erm, that pretty much sums up my day. Weekend full of water fun again i suppose... hehez.. last 2 training before the big thing, shall not give up now... Alrighty den... i guess thats all for today... may all have a great weekend ahead, TATA
Now to yesterday, was suppose to be at work at 10 but ended up 2 hours late, as i have something to settle. Luckly Cedric didn't mind, another day of simple data entires, it really bores me out at times... but no choice, still hafta do, a job is a job. Managed to tahan till 6pm before making a move and headed down to Wayne's place for some beefcake session. But waited till 720pm and there is still no sight of them and all of them seems unreachable, so i make my way home instead. Thx god angelina wanted to work out also, so i head home got change and ran to the park at gardens to meet her for a "mini hell week" session. It was more endurable as we took longer breaks in between. bt managed to sweat it out never the least. always feels good to have a good workout. After that, had a drink near a coffeeplace near angie's place, walked her home, and ran back. Go home at about 10.30, took a shower, rest awhile and off to bed. Thx Angie for that great workout session.
Today i forsee will be yet another boring day at work. but lucky the hours are gonna be shorter... so yeah hopefully time slipped past abit faster today. After that will be movie with Angie at VivoCity, at least thats what we got planned. if not we can always walk about if there isn't anything good showing. Erm, that pretty much sums up my day. Weekend full of water fun again i suppose... hehez.. last 2 training before the big thing, shall not give up now... Alrighty den... i guess thats all for today... may all have a great weekend ahead, TATA
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Work now play later.
At work now... doing data entry, haiz... if not for the flexible hours, and to kill time, and a promise, i guess i won't be working here anymore. Coz its honestly not my cup of tea. I mean its good to have income and all, but jobs like that don't really need me to do, anyone can do it i suppose... Not trying to say i am dame smart or talented, but i feel that i should be put to better use den this... haha
After this is heading down to Wayne's place for a little beefcake session. Yah must be thinking i am out to kill myself after incurring that strained thigh... But hey know what, gave my leg a good massage last night and its all well again today, so yeah, its too close to the race to slack off now... Despite looking forward to training, have been feeling really tired lately.... tired as in sleepy tired and not overworked tired. Seems that my slp have always been disrupted by these dreams i am having, and the moment i gets up, all disappear into thin air. But it kept my brain up the entire night, so despite my body feeling all energised the next day, my head is always very heavy... Gotta do something to it really soon, time for suppliment shopping again. something that can increase my endurance and all... good recommendation anyone?
Yawnz... there i go again, that is like one of the many times i yawn today, feel like those kind of drug addicts when they are craving for drugs. dame...3 more hours... i can do this!!! alright again soon...
After this is heading down to Wayne's place for a little beefcake session. Yah must be thinking i am out to kill myself after incurring that strained thigh... But hey know what, gave my leg a good massage last night and its all well again today, so yeah, its too close to the race to slack off now... Despite looking forward to training, have been feeling really tired lately.... tired as in sleepy tired and not overworked tired. Seems that my slp have always been disrupted by these dreams i am having, and the moment i gets up, all disappear into thin air. But it kept my brain up the entire night, so despite my body feeling all energised the next day, my head is always very heavy... Gotta do something to it really soon, time for suppliment shopping again. something that can increase my endurance and all... good recommendation anyone?
Yawnz... there i go again, that is like one of the many times i yawn today, feel like those kind of drug addicts when they are craving for drugs. dame...3 more hours... i can do this!!! alright again soon...
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Fitness Level Dropping! time for a break?
OMG, what a better way to start of gym session by pulling my right thigh muscle. was doing dead lift when it happened... haiz.. kinda endured the pain through my 2 hrs session just now, had to cut short on lower back workout becoz of that, but compensated by working more on upper back. Worked my abs too, well thing that made my day was i have lost all the weight gained from Brunei, the cruise, and redang... Current weight its 75 ish close to 76, so hafta work harder as I am on the right track but still have abit more to go to my ideal 72kg. Gambate
Didn't realise that there was so many bruise on my leg yesterday. But today they all came out with full force. haha looked like I was got out of a bad accident or something, with red patches all over both legs. But the strange thing is that it didn't hurt, so it was cool. Was intending to do my own hell week beefcake tml, but i guess i have to take it easy for that muscles. As yong says "The race is more impt, no point killing urself and not being able to make the race" right to a certain extend i suppose.
Not sure whats happening to me... been feeling really restless the entire day, thought gym will perk me up a little (usually it does) but not today, it did for awhile but then soon after i left the gym, the restlessness got back... haiz.. Am i overworking my body? pushing it too hard pehaps? I never allow myself to ask this kinda question, coz its really just a way to avoid and slack. But there must be a reason for this sudden tiredness... I guess its Muay Thai, coz i remember feeling like that too after my first lesson of it... haha guess i can recover very soon i suppose...
Anyway, thats all for now i suppose... take care all and shall see ya soon... All this working out have been taking away all my social life i realised... hehez... better start doing some soul searching... hehez.. lost contact with way too many friends already... haha Alrighty... Ciaoz
Didn't realise that there was so many bruise on my leg yesterday. But today they all came out with full force. haha looked like I was got out of a bad accident or something, with red patches all over both legs. But the strange thing is that it didn't hurt, so it was cool. Was intending to do my own hell week beefcake tml, but i guess i have to take it easy for that muscles. As yong says "The race is more impt, no point killing urself and not being able to make the race" right to a certain extend i suppose.
Not sure whats happening to me... been feeling really restless the entire day, thought gym will perk me up a little (usually it does) but not today, it did for awhile but then soon after i left the gym, the restlessness got back... haiz.. Am i overworking my body? pushing it too hard pehaps? I never allow myself to ask this kinda question, coz its really just a way to avoid and slack. But there must be a reason for this sudden tiredness... I guess its Muay Thai, coz i remember feeling like that too after my first lesson of it... haha guess i can recover very soon i suppose...
Anyway, thats all for now i suppose... take care all and shall see ya soon... All this working out have been taking away all my social life i realised... hehez... better start doing some soul searching... hehez.. lost contact with way too many friends already... haha Alrighty... Ciaoz
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Another fun training in Muay Thai
OMG, woked up at 12 noon today, haha latest i have ever woked up these past weeks, or should i say months... the feeling of wasting the entire morning slping really affected me, guess i will set my alarm clock tonight just to prevent such gulit to creep into me again.
That was the first bad thing of the day, then was my appetite, didn't had to work today so spent the entire day slacking at home, and my house being a food heaven (meaning food is accessible almost everywhere), and me being born in the year of the rat, was constantly on the lookout for things to nimble... and my mouth really didn't stop once, from fruits to nuts, to yougart, you name it... So when evening came i was so determined to get out of the house that i took a record breaking time to pack my bag... haha.
Got to training ground at about 645pm, Joanie was already there, together with another fren, Kathrina, who is thinking of joining... hehez sort of like me when i first want to join, must scout the situation first. Did my warm up skipping, and was on to do kicks with Alvin. did 100 per leg in intervals of 20s per set... me and joani took turns... haha heard Alvin say if i trained hard enough for a month i can make it for the competition next year... haha something really encouraging to hear...
Then more familiar faces turned up, which make training so much more enjoyable as we get to chit chat alot and all was fun. Had dinner of at our usual place. Prepared my own Chicken breast and sweet potatoe feast, plus green bean soup for desserts while the rest savoured in korean food. Then Gary drove us back again.. hehez... its a good things we all stay nearby.
Alright, i suppose thats all, need to go put some oilment on the new bruises from today sessions den... hehez... tml will be yet another workless day, haiz... no work=no income, no income = no shopping! i really need a perm job soon... But den again... it gym again tml! hehez.. take care peepz... cya soon...
That was the first bad thing of the day, then was my appetite, didn't had to work today so spent the entire day slacking at home, and my house being a food heaven (meaning food is accessible almost everywhere), and me being born in the year of the rat, was constantly on the lookout for things to nimble... and my mouth really didn't stop once, from fruits to nuts, to yougart, you name it... So when evening came i was so determined to get out of the house that i took a record breaking time to pack my bag... haha.
Got to training ground at about 645pm, Joanie was already there, together with another fren, Kathrina, who is thinking of joining... hehez sort of like me when i first want to join, must scout the situation first. Did my warm up skipping, and was on to do kicks with Alvin. did 100 per leg in intervals of 20s per set... me and joani took turns... haha heard Alvin say if i trained hard enough for a month i can make it for the competition next year... haha something really encouraging to hear...
Then more familiar faces turned up, which make training so much more enjoyable as we get to chit chat alot and all was fun. Had dinner of at our usual place. Prepared my own Chicken breast and sweet potatoe feast, plus green bean soup for desserts while the rest savoured in korean food. Then Gary drove us back again.. hehez... its a good things we all stay nearby.
Alright, i suppose thats all, need to go put some oilment on the new bruises from today sessions den... hehez... tml will be yet another workless day, haiz... no work=no income, no income = no shopping! i really need a perm job soon... But den again... it gym again tml! hehez.. take care peepz... cya soon...
Monday, October 30, 2006
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