Well, its been a pretty smooth sailing year for me i would have to say... just like that and i have ended 1year 4 mths of NS life, 10 more months to go!!! This year have been a pretty fun filled one for me, as i done many things for the first time like traveling to europe for the first time and also participating in NPD (and my 10 sec of fame) for the first time. No to mention doing quite abit of traveling to thailand, holland, germany and malaysia being my last stop... This year have been filled with many ups and downs, some good frens have lost contact or have lessen contact, but new frens and bonds are made too... i experience many moments, some happy and some not... but whatever it is, there are memories that i can bring on with me through the years to come... here are some pictures taken this year!!!

All the wonderful memories... Thanks for the inventor of camera ... if not all these wonderful moments will not be capture... there is plenty more... but i guess thats all the time i have as i need to prepare myself for the party tonight!!! heez... Hereby wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance and may all you NY resolution comes true!!! Happy 2006!!!