Friday, March 17, 2006

A great week, and a better weekend ahead...

5 long days in camp and finally i am home... arh... everytime in camp, though haven't been thinking of home much... but the special feeling when u get upon returning home is beyond description... Well, let me just briefly go through how the weeks been for me...

This week have been pretty "PT based", something that i really like, as its means i have more time to hit the gym... heez... but not everyone enjoys it as much as i do... Some of them even got sunburned from the many session of soccers during PT. Reason for it is that SSG Maswan, aka my in charge, was on leave, thus our life was "easier". heez...

Apart from that, had to take a couple of half day offs for my driving lessons, have to say its getting smoother... thank god for that... apart from my u-turn which needs more practise, i dun see much problem on the road no more... A few more lesson and I will be changing into Circuits, hopefully i can do it. No longer Mr yeo le, will be Mr. yap, seems like a very strict and means business guy... hopefully i dun step on his toe. Nyp band have resumed, been back to see how things have been... would say progess is pretty slow, and i guess the worse would be the attendance (as usual, wats new). With the change of committee, i guess that things will take awhile before its picks up... i hope its will not be long. So glad to see lao shi again...

Today is St Patrick's day, a day celebrated by the Irish, was suppose to meet up with angie and gang like last year for a drink, but had this parade today that ended late, and by the time i got home was already 9PM, so decide to give it a missed. Besides, tml i am having another race, the M500 Race at Lower Seletar, so if you happen to be there... do come down and support yeah... heez...

Oh, something terrible happen today in the parade, or rather after the parade, SSG Maswan lost his handphone, its a said that some of the airforce pple did it, but well as a procedure we were searched when we got back, its sad that such a thing have to happen... and its an Ngage, not a very new phone to begin with... Finally saw Gerald again, have to say he have put on quite abit of weight... heez... seem like ORD dun seems like such a good thing for him afterall, with all the external influence, hahaha...

Been getting alot of feedback from friends that haven't seen me for awhile, saying that I have gone down, but i dun really see much difference in myself. But well its up to pple to judge... heez... here is a couple of photos, one took on my last COG main (Oct) and a more recent one (Mar)