Saturday, April 23, 2005

boring weekend

Hello there people, here to 'complain' about my day again... haha okok not really complaining lah... trying to find so other word other then talking about my day, u know that can be kinda boring if you used it too often (like i do... heez)... a few words can describle how i feel now, TIRED, ACHING and BORED... Tired and aching is contributed from dragon boating whereas bored its juz me... heez... been lazing around at home pretty much this weekend so, yah... Seriously speaking, sometimes working is alot more fun then weekends, true that i get rest, but at work at least u have stuff to do and it can help you pass time much faster, juz a short sectional already takes up like 2 to 3 hours of ur day perhaps...

A short paragraph on thought i have for the past few days, recently i have been reading through my past blogs, and also looking at some past photos i have taken with friends... From the blogs, its seems that i have loads of complains about life... something i haven't experience before (as in when i am skooling and stuff), Is working life causing all this? i questioned myself, me working causing me to be further drifted from my poly friends and causing me to feel all that insecurity and all, but looking at the pictures made me think otherwise, it seems that i have loads of friends... haha and i have no idea what have been making me feel insecure all these while... haha if anyone knows the answer dun mind letting me know k... i could use some 'professional advise' here... heez... There is one more think i notice that have been getting to me... i have been really sensitive nowadays, well you guys might think guys being sensitive is a good things right... well its not that kinda 'good sensitive' its the 'bad sensitive' hahaha... i realised i tend to be over sensitive to many thing nowadays, thinking ahead of things and what will happen if i did something... and usually i would think of things positively, but now it seems that whenever i do things i would think of its consequences in the negetive direction, for example, if i msg someone, and the person didn't reply, normally i would think that the person is too busy or what, but now i would tink whether i pissed the person off, if i have offended the person in anyway... argh... its driving me nuts, but now that i have spotted this "pessimistic syndrome", i will find way to conqure it...i must haha

Ok back about my weekend... phew after "thought of the day" feeling much better le.... ok well haven been doing much today either, woke up this morning had brunch (breakfast and lunch), after that, slack around awhile before going for dragon boat training, was actually contemplating about whether to go, the 'lazy bug' was tell me not to, but in the end, i managed to convinced myself to go... heez... Got there on time, but everyone wasn't really there yet... so we slack awhile before bring the boats out when there was more people... its was a superb day for paddle, clear blue sky, sun was strong (great to tan)... set off after some warm up and as usual since i haven't been paddling for awhile, i joined the 'beginners' boat... we reached the bridge then we started doing endurance of 3 mins each, wasn't really tough as its was normal strokes, i must say the beginner did really well considering some of them are first timers... when we reach benjamin shears bridge, we did more set training to open water, but this time with power strokes, and was sort of a race with the 'senior' boat, and glad to say we managed to win most of the intervals... lolx.... when we turn back to benjamin shears, we were challenged by some boats filled with muscular men, but we gave it a shot anyway, all boat was on par at the start of the race, but at the turn we falled back abit, and the other boat took over us, then they came right in front of us causing us to have to slow down, then besides that we had to steer to the outer lane (which their boat was suppose to be) and then charge from there.... by then everyone was rather tired coz we have already cover alot of ground... but i still gave it all i have... until we passed the finishing line, the aussie 'seniors' have won the race following by the competitors boat then ours, we weren't really upset with the results, actually we are rather impressed wth our performance as we aren't very far behind and our boat were all novice rowers... ought to give ourselve a pad one the back... After which, we rowed back to the beach, i help with the storing back of the boat before i make a move while the rest enjoy a their beer...

Got home, took a shower before having dinner (which i bought before coming home)... caught jacky show, then was on the computer, later going to watch wong fei hong... was planning to go out... but thinking of having to spend money, i decided not too... haha been tightening my belt... for a trip to thailand with my frens... but yet to cfm though, my leave haven't been approve... pray hard it does... Alright, guess thats all i have, oh yah, tml SAF Central band will be performing at the botanical gardens... do support k... they are playing pieces like The Merry Widow and 2 mvmt from Riverdance... will be interesting... do support k... ciao....

Friday, April 22, 2005

ORD function

Ladies and gentlemen!!! i am offically a LCP (lance coporal) hahaha, dun have to save me anymore (u know "saving private ryan") heez...*cold* ahem, okok well juz wanna share this great news with all you guys but dun expect a treat or watever k, coz the pay only raise a pathetic 20 bucks... haha, well army mah what to do... heez...

Anyway, things about the this week, well... basically its also a rather casuel week, guess we are all have 'ample rest' for whats about to come in the coming months... there is many major events in the coming months, events like the annual NDP and SAF day... this 2 is the biggest event ever in a year (according to the seniors) its said that those that haven't endure these event will never be consider a bandsmen yet... heez.. so i am kinda looking forward to it, as well as fearing it... haha contridicting right... SAF day (on 1st july) rehearsal will commenced next month... and NDP will commence their rehearsal on june... haha guess i will be super busy in the comming couple of months, and with there i also hear news that we might clash with ocs day.... Argh!!! so many events!!! but well i guess i can only suffer in silence then... heez hopefully i can get to know the band A people even better through these period of time (not time i dun know them, its juz more in depth i guess)... okok going out of topic... this week, well been preparing for a parade for thursday, its a rather plain parade but it lasted till 8pm, so today we got the privilege of falling in late... heez... Today is some what a special day as we had an ORD function for batch 55, my senior's batch, haha actually they are the same age as me only that they entered earlier then me... Anyway, this is the 2nd ORD function i have attended and the first was in my training wing days... haiz looking at this batches leave make me think when izzit going to be mine... and thinking of that makes me sad coz ITS still a long way to go!!! argh... hahaha... Anyway so happy for them lah... majority of them is from band A and have already got to know them quite well so its still kinda sad to see them leave... juz wanna say very honored to have gone on parade with you guys, all the best for ur future and take care!!! today is also staff tay 'ORD' date, and he have been in the band all his life... 31 years to be exact... respect for him man... seriously... after everyone's little speech, we had a little reception before calling it a day...

Can't believe i am glued to the computer ever since i came home... haha camp must have made me miss technology so much man... Haiz, was suppose to be going out with my regular gang, but was cancelled due to the lack of organization... very common, already got used to it... heez... didn't really mind actually coz wan to save money... heez... ok lah.... guess this is all le... will be going offline shortly, been online for quite sometimes le.... shall blog some other time, then ciaoz....

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Short entry

Good Afternoon, its me again on this sunny sunday afternoon, juz woke up like an hour ago... heez... body aching from paddle yesterday, missed this type of feeling for awhile le... think i should go more often i guess... heez...

About last night, was thinking of slacking at home until herbert and dennes asked me out on a movie... was suppose to watch it in PS but we ended up in GV grand as herbert made a mistake in the order... haha... Anyway went to watch "Sahara" @ 12.30, but went earlier to grab a bite... manage to catch abit of liverpool Vs tottenham too (which ended of 2-2) After the show, we made our way home, that is about 3 plus le...

Today haven't got any plans, as i am going back to camp tonight.... not that i have to but i juz want to, so as to not have to wake up early tml morning to rush down, you know, monday blues... haha... Anyway, tonight suppose to have bbq with sasa and karen they all.... haha guess no more chance liao lah... anyway u guys have fun lah.. take lotsa photo show me can le....lolx... alright lah... guess i keep the entry short for today lah.... u guys enjoy the weekend and hope to see you guys real soon.... cheers